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Archives Historical Memory - Page 6 of 8 - New Eastern Outlook

The Fall of the West

A number of prominent voices, now including those in the West, are beginning to openly say that not only has the time of Western minority dominance over world affairs come to an end, but that the Western system as a whole is collapsing, with all its consequences. All this confirms the thesis that the future system of international relations implies not only the final establishment of a multipolar world order, but also a post-Western international order. Emmanuel Todd, a well-known French historian, sociologist, social anthropologist, writer and journalist, who once predicted the collapse of the USSR in 1976…

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan: will the troubled border become calmer?

The September-December 2023 period witnesses significant progress in the harmonization of the most territorially disputed border in Central Asia, namely the border between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Of the nearly 1,000 kilometers of the line separating the two republics, almost 400 kilometers remained uncoordinated for many years Now the parties are announcing deadlines for the completion of all work designed to exhaust the conflict potential of the problem. Work on harmonizing the Tajik-Kyrgyz border intensified in October 2023 – almost 75 kilometers of the border…

Boris Kushhov

The Palestinian crisis requires the intervention of key global players

No one can dispute the fact that the formation of the State of Israel following the Second World War was the result of the decisions of key world players who determined both the outcome of the global war itself and the post-war world order. And in 1947, the USSR and the USA acted as such leading world actors. These two states defined the contours of the future world order in the form of a bipolar world system. This order was based on a balance of power and interests, and subsequently on the two world economic and military-political systems. The nuclear triad of both countries…

Alexandr Svaranc