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18.10.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Trump administration’s proactive pursuit of ‘peace’ in the Middle East by helping establish diplomatic ties between Israel and the Arab states, e.g., the UAE and Bahrain, was at best a one-sided peace formula and a recipe of disaster at its worst. For one thing, The Abraham Accords focused on something where there was no conflict, i.e., between Israel and the UAE, while ignoring the epicenter of tensions, i.e., the constant tension between Israel and Palestine. Ignoring this seems to have contributed massively to the Palestinian’s frustration with Israel and the rest…

30.09.2023 Konstantin Asmolov
On Kim Jong-un’s visit to Russia

Rumors about the visit of the DPRK president of the State Affairs to the Russian Federation had been circulating before the announced visit, but in the author’s opinion, there is no correlation between these rumors and what happened afterwards. On September 4, the New York Times, citing unnamed “American and allied officials”, reported that Kim Jong-un may soon travel to Russia to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss a possible arms deal. North Korea is seeking advanced technology…

29.09.2023 Viktor Mikhin

The G20 summit held in the Bharat (Indian) capital, New Delhi, from September 9 to 10, was simultaneously marred by a very tense international environment. The war unleashed by US-led NATO at the hands of Ukrainian neo-Nazis against Russia has already exacerbated the global energy and food security crises, which were already severe due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on production levels and international supply chains. This is happening amidst a changing international order as many countries are pursuing their own interests and a growing desire to form stronger alliances and blocs. Russia and China are pushing…

28.09.2023 Vladimir Terehov

US President Joe Biden’s trip from September 7 to September 11 was dominated by two equally remarkable events, both of which owe their significance to a single factor, the global confrontation between Washington and China, now the number two world power. It is in relation to this confrontation that the results of the American president’s latest five-day sprint, in which the two main ports of call were India and Vietnam, should best be viewed. Although officially the main purpose of this foreign policy event was so that the currently number one world power could participate in the scheduled summit…

27.09.2023 Viktor Mikhin

The BRICS meeting in Johannesburg on August 22–24 has sparked a lot of interest around the world, which is debating what beneficial outcomes will come from this crucial forum. The focus is on analyzing and considering the admission of new BRICS members, including such a prosperous state as the United Arab Emirates. Why such a strong organization as BRICS has focused on this relatively small state with a population of roughly 10 million and an area of 83.6 thousand km raises some question.  The UAE is one of the world’s top oil producers, and oil and gas production together…

17.09.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

The recent trip to Russia by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan received a lot of media attention ahead of it. One thing was clear – Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan would meet, whether it be in Turkey, Russia, or some other country such as India. What caused the Turkish leader to act in such haste? Of course, the goal of this meeting was not to thank Russia for its assistance during his most recent contentious presidential campaign. It is also hardly the topic of Syrian talks, which have not yet established a meeting place…

14.09.2023 Veniamin Popov

The 15th BRICS summit in South Africa came to an end on August 24. It resulted in a Declaration, which states that all of these nations will cooperate to build a global order based on equality, respect, and consideration for each other’s interests. The association has accepted six new members, and it will soon accept 15 additional states that have applied to join. It is known that 20 more developing countries are exploring increasing their engagement with the BRICS. In simple terms, the struggle to create a new, more just world order has entered a significant new stage. In this regard, three points should be highlighted…

07.09.2023 Taut Bataut

Economies the world over are struggling with some of the worst bouts of inflation and economic slowdown seen in decades. The COVID-19 pandemic with its lockdowns and the conflict between Ukraine and Russia not long after have been significant shocks to global economic activity, causing severe disruptions in global value chains and sending commodity prices skyrocketing. Governments have been shaken to their core in dealing with inflationary and debt crises. The United States, the largest economy in the world, is not immune to these shocks either. Negative growth in the first half of 2022 caused the Fed to raise interest rates…

06.09.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Russia and China have long been struggling to establish a new world order, an order that will not have the West as its centre and the US dollar as the main currency shaping the global economic system. The new world order will be multipolar. Within this order, it will be possible to trade without USD. But while multipolarity and non-USD currency arrangements indicate some of the key features of the new order – and they are very important – they are not by themselves the mechanisms that could potentially yield a new world order. For a new order to become possible…

04.09.2023 Viktor Mikhin

Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates were all sent invitations to join the newly formed BRICS economic bloc, marking the organization’s largest expansion in its history.  The accession of these geographically dominant countries will take effect on January 1, 2024.  BRICS leaders left the door open for future expansion among a long list of countries that have expressed interest in joining an organization they hope can help them with political and economic development by voting in favor of expansion, the first since South Africa joined the bloc 13 years ago. Without a doubt, the countries chosen at this year’s summit…

31.08.2023 Veniamin Popov

Tensions are rising in the world. Mostly as a result of Western powers’ provocation of fresh conflicts and the rekindling of old ones in order to retain their control.  Their aim is clear: to continue profiting from human suffering, to scare people, to subjugate countries as vassals within the neocolonial system, and to ruthlessly plunder their resources. Developing nations are strenuously starting to defend their national interests because they no longer wish to accept their oppressed position. Some well-known Western economists believe…

16.08.2023 Veniamin Popov

The Western nations are currently concentrating their efforts on preserving their dwindling supremacy by primarily retaliating against the actions of their biggest rivals, Russia and China. At the same time, they are eager to push for a new model of world order in which they could be in control. The idea of population control and the establishment of a “world government” are strongly promoted by them in this regard. The world’s demographics are changing: Europe is shrinking, China is shrinking, and India, a much younger country, is overtaking them as the world’s most populous power…