Archives Global development - New Eastern Outlook
02.07.2024 Vladimir Terehov

The visits of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the North Korea and Vietnam from June 18 to 20 were a remarkable development not only in relations between the countries, but also in terms of their assessments of how the political situation in East Asian as a whole is developing. As a result of the talks between Vladimir Putin and the North Korean and Vietnamese leaders, an extensive list of measures was drawn up and enshrined in bilateral documents…

22.04.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

The multiplication of escalations which, for decades, has characterized global governance, raises questions about the future of humanity. The world is currently experiencing multiple major wars, including conflicts between Israel and Hamas, between Israel and Iran, between Russia and Ukraine, in Burkina Faso, in Somalia, in Sudan, in Yemen, in Myanmar, in Nigeria and Syria…

19.04.2024 Christopher Black

On March 22, in Belgrade, at the conference commemorating the 25th anniversary of the NATO attack on Yugoslavia, in 1999, attended by academics, historians, ambassadors, government ministers, activists for peace, and journalists from around the world, I had the privilege to speak and offer my thoughts on what can be done, what must be done, to bring about world peace and security in the face of the constant threat…

03.04.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

The BRICS countries are certainly strengthening their positions on the global stage. And this, both on the geoeconomic and geopolitical levels. Without regard to the opinion of the world minority represented by Western regimes and certain others. Today, these processes are forced to be recognized by a number of analysts in the United States and Japan, while the representatives of Brussels Europe continue to live in the illusions of a bygone era…

07.02.2024 Taut Bataut

The basis of the US-led liberal world order was laid at the end of the World War 2. However, the United States and the Soviet Union kept on fighting over the spread and influence of their respective ideologies till the 1990s. The United States’ victory in the Cold War established its hegemony over the globe. Many Western philosophers, at that time, believed that the US-led liberal world order was here to stay. Famous American political philosopher, Francis Fukuyama, in his book “The End of History and the Last Man,” also endorsed this notion…

04.02.2024 Anvar Azimov

French head of state Emmanuel Macron visited India the other day. He was the chief guest of the celebrations in Delhi on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Republic of India, proclaimed on 26 January 1950 with the adoption of the Constitution. Traditionally, on this significant day, large-scale military parades and colourful civilian demonstrations are held in the capital and other major cities of the country. Every year the Indian leadership invites a high guest of honour to celebrate the Republic Day. Initially it was planned that US President Joseph Biden would come to Delhi, but he, citing his busy schedule, could not come and then the Indians…

26.01.2024 Viktor Mikhin

At first glance, 2024 should be a significant commemoration of the concept of democracy, which was first introduced by the Greeks over two thousand years ago. In the coming months, elections will be held in countries that collectively represent over half of the world’s population, which is more than 4 billion people. These include some of the world’s most populous and influential nations, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, India, and Pakistan. However, history teaches us that simply sending people to the polls is not enough to guarantee the upholding of democratic principles…

16.01.2024 Yuliya Novitskaya

The conversation with Mr Zenebe Kinfu Tafesse, President of the Union of African Diasporas, was direct, frank and in some places sharp. We discussed how Russian journalists should write about Africa and African journalists about Russia. We talked about the problems of employing Africans in our country. And, using concrete examples, we tried to work out how to learn Russian in Africa…

01.01.2024 Viktor Mikhin

The latest round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the current carnage inflicted by Israel on all Palestinians in Gaza, will continue for some time and end in another tragedy for the Palestinians. But in the long run, all these events will lead to huge negative consequences that all the people of the Middle East, including the Israelis, will be experiencing for a long time. But while none of the parties in the world will benefit from the disaster, “European countries will particularly pay a higher price for the ongoing conflict,” notes the Iranian publication Tehran Times…

27.11.2023 Phil Butler

For most people, it’s difficult to imagine much of what’s happening today. And this is why so many seem in the dark about what we should do to alleviate our problems. Looking at the situation in which a proxy is being waged on Russia from Ukraine, nothing seems to add up. The same is true for the genocide now going on in Gaza. And when we superimpose problems like curing cancer and other diseases, environmental problems, and failing economies, the only thing we can see is that our leaders have failed miserably at prioritising…

26.10.2023 Boris Kushhov

If railway transport in Mongolia made a qualitative breakthrough and had many ambitious endeavours in 2023, the country’s road transport had a symbolic moment that took place in 2022. We are talking about achieving an epoch-making transport and communication task, namely the final connection by asphalt roads the administrative centres of all parts of the country, 21 aimags with the country’s capital, Ulaanbaatar. However, the preliminary results for 2023 in the field of road transport are slightly brightened up by such a significant event for Mongolia. 2023 brought about a breakthrough in the field of transit…

18.10.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Trump administration’s proactive pursuit of ‘peace’ in the Middle East by helping establish diplomatic ties between Israel and the Arab states, e.g., the UAE and Bahrain, was at best a one-sided peace formula and a recipe of disaster at its worst. For one thing, The Abraham Accords focused on something where there was no conflict, i.e., between Israel and the UAE, while ignoring the epicenter of tensions, i.e., the constant tension between Israel and Palestine. Ignoring this seems to have contributed massively to the Palestinian’s frustration with Israel and the rest…