Archives Geopolitics - Page 89 of 102 - New Eastern Outlook
The United States is eager to halt the decline of its influence in the Middle East
America’s influence in the Middle East has weakened in recent years, and Washington’s political agenda has been widely challenged among Arab countries. The Arabs have direct experience of the fact that the Americans’ approach to the region is motivated only by self-interest, with the goal of imposing their will and asserting their own geo-domination rather than assisting these states in resolving their problems. Recent history is littered with such brain-dead projects: a few years ago, they tried to dupe everyone with the concept of a so-called Greater Middle East…
Whether Russia needs a “peace treaty” with Japan
In June of this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law according to which the victory over militaristic Japan will be commemorated in Russia on September 3. The State Duma passed the law, the Federation Council approved it. The newspapers of the Land of the Rising Sun wrote lengthy stories in which the alleged territorial problem in some way reappeared because of this fact, which significantly hurt the Japanese ego. The Kishida administration chose a stance antagonistic to Moscow and backed anti-Russian sanctions in order…
In confronting Israel in West Asia. Iran expands its list of partners
Given the continued conflict between Israel and Iran in the absence of a direct physical link, the struggle for influence in border territories has captured the interest and attention of both Tel Aviv and Tehran. In fact, the Israeli policy of occupying the Golan Heights in western Syria (Quneitra Governorate) in 1967 had the objective of strengthening Israel’s security zone. In turn, security concerns and Israel’s need for fresh water were factors in the 1967 Six-Day War’s decision to take control of the West Bank of the Jordan. Since then, 90% of Jordan’s water has been used by Israel to provide the population with drinking water…