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The Arctic Council: NATO and the Unipolar Pole?

The Arctic Council: NATO and the Unipolar Pole?

What difference does the Russia-Ukraine conflict make to the Arctic? Are any polar bears being called up to fight? Will it affect the ice, or which ships can pass through it, and for what purpose? Norway said “it will prioritise a smooth transition with Russia as it plans to assume the chair of the Moscow-helmed Arctic Council on May 11, but will not commit to restarting stalled cooperation” … over the [conflict between  Russia and  Ukraine]. Nowadays a lot of children come from homes which have experienced marital breakdown. Their parents split up…

Seth Ferris
Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev and Zbigniew Brzezinski

Heydar Aliyev and Zbigniew Brzezinski - what did they agree on?..

The modern Republic of Azerbaijan occupies an important geographic location in the South Caucasus, being the western shore of the Caspian Sea and a “gateway” to the resource-rich region of Central Asia (historical Turkestan). Geography, as a rule, largely determines the policy of the state. And it is this geographical feature of Azerbaijan that has determined the role and place of the republic in the region, as well as in the system of geopolitical contradictions of the leading world actors. However, geography itself…

Alexandr Svaranc
NATO Expansion versus OPEC+ Oil Shock

NATO Expansion versus OPEC+ Oil Shock

Finland’s inclusion in, and the consequent expansion of, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), has supposedly brought much joy to the Western world supposedly fighting Russia for the protection of democracy and human rights. The real purpose of this fight, as we already know, is to preserve the West – mainly, the US-led – dominated post-Second World War world order, which assumed the shape of unilateral US hegemony after the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. With Russia – and China – delivering the hitherto clearest shock to this unilateral hegemony of the US, the latter is doing all it can to win more and more allies…

Salman Rafi Sheikh