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Turkey announces its new key state strategy

The modern world is on the path towards the formation of a new world order, and the alignment and role of many countries will change, with some developing countries becoming developed nations and others taking their place, while yet others are highly likely to disappear entirely. Unfortunately, just like hundreds of years ago, our world is far from just and is still plagued by the struggle for resources, which are inevitably monopolized by the strong to the detriment of the weak. Sadly, force continues to determine what is right. As David Hurst, co-founder and editor-in-chief of Middle East Eye writes on this subject, “The old world…

Alexandr Svaranc

The Global South is More Vocal in Advocating for its Interests

In mid-September, Cuba hosted the latest meeting of the Group of 77, which was created in 1964 to promote collective economic interests. Today, the Group has 134 States, representing 80% of the world’s population. This meeting set out to “change the rules of the game” after centuries of domination by wealthy Western powers putting their own interests first. Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel said developing countries have been the main victims of the multi-dimensional crisis in the world today, “from abusive unequal trade to devastating climate change.” According to the Cuban leader, the North…

Veniamin Popov

New positive trends in the G20

The G20 summit held in the Bharat (Indian) capital, New Delhi, from September 9 to 10, was simultaneously marred by a very tense international environment. The war unleashed by US-led NATO at the hands of Ukrainian neo-Nazis against Russia has already exacerbated the global energy and food security crises, which were already severe due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on production levels and international supply chains. This is happening amidst a changing international order as many countries are pursuing their own interests and a growing desire to form stronger alliances and blocs. Russia and China are pushing…

Viktor Mikhin