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Archives Geopolitics - Page 43 of 60 - New Eastern Outlook

Sources of conflictogenicity: Is a new inter-State armed conflict possible in the Horn of Africa?

For several decades, the number of interstate conflicts in the world has been declining: most armed confrontations have been asymmetrical, usually characterised by the struggle between states and non-state actors. At the same time, in recent years, against the backdrop of the gradual breakdown of the unipolar world order that has existed since the early 1990s, long-standing contradictions between states have increasingly reasserted themselves, and new stumbling blocks in the relations of various countries continue to emerge amid the numerous transformations…

Ivan Kopytsev

The Geopolitics of “AUKUS Plus”

In September 2021, the Australia, United Kingdom, and United States (AUKUS) deal brought nuclear technology for military use to the Indo-Pacific. The idea was to change the Indo-Pacific region in a way that would ultimately be ready to tackle – and scale back – China’s influence. The idea was to make Australia “sovereign ready”.  Accordingly, the US and the UK are already in the middle of selling and building several nuclear submarines worth billions of dollars to Australia. While the US intends to sell at least 3 nuclear submarines by 2038, the UK and Australia are building a new SSN-AUKUS submarine that both fleets will operate. Australia is to receive Britain’s first SSN-AUKUS in the late 2030s and its first domestically built…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

ECO Summit Outcomes: Progress on Two Corridors of Continental Significance.

The signing of a protocol on the development of the international multimodal corridor Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Turkey by the participants was one of the outcomes of the Ministerial Meeting on Transport of the member nations of the Economic Cooperation Organization, which took place on November 3 of this year in Tashkent. The document outlines plans for organizing cargo transit from the Asia-Pacific region to Europe via the nations that make up the corridor and for setting up the right environment to increase cargo turnover amongst the four nations. When the project is completed…

Boris Kushhov