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Archives Geopolitics - Page 41 of 60 - New Eastern Outlook

Taking the Moral High Ground, Standing up for Palestinian Rights: Recep Tayyip Erdogan is telling the Israelis what they don’t want to hear!

It is going to be interesting to see how Turkey will start acting towards Israel now the agenda is obvious, and not only one agenda but a misdirected, out-of-control, Western collective one. This is also the chance for Turkey to revisit its Ottoman roots and to take the moral high ground for once. It might also be high time for NATO and the EU to take notice, and to reflect themselves on their own military might and foreign, particularly Middle Eastern, policy direction. Already we are hearing rumblings, recriminations, and…

Seth Ferris

Will Chad free itself from the heavy legacy of the past?

Immediately after the death of Chadian President Idriss Déby, who died in April 2021 from wounds sustained in fighting with rebels in the north of the country, the military announced the dissolution of parliament and government and the establishment of a Transitional Military Council headed by his son, thirty-seven-year-old General Mahamat Idriss Déby. In doing so, the military ignored the constitutional provision that upon the death of the head of state, the presidency is temporarily transferred to the president of the National Assembly, who within 90 days must hold…

Viktor Goncharov

India Jumps on Washington’s ‘China Containment’ Bandwagon

China’s fast-expanding global influence – especially, in the context of the Gaza war – has already emerged as a key issue for Washington. The US is already in a state of denial, and China’s rising global status is turning into too big an issue for New Delhi to handle without entering into a formal anti-China alliance being put together by the US. Therefore, there is an added incentive for New Delhi to reinforce its alliance with the US in an even more anti-China way. This was the major development out of the fifth annual US-India “2+2 dialogue” held on November 10, 2023, in India…

Salman Rafi Sheikh