Archives Gaza City - New Eastern Outlook
14.07.2024 Veniamin Popov

Israel’s war in Gaza has led to a virtual genocide of the Palestinian people: the number of dead and wounded has long since exceeded 100,000, many of the inhabitants of the enclave are suffering from hunger, and there is a glaring lack of medical services. But the Israeli authorities have not been able to eliminate Hamas, and their military actions have led more and more young Palestinians to seek revenge for the terrible suffering of their relatives.

09.06.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The Arab-Israeli conflict will end someday, but the crisis itself will not be resolved unless Palestinian statehood is recognised. Turkey welcomes the beginning of the process of recognising the independence of Palestine, but has itself not yet joined in those efforts. Why?

04.06.2024 Vladimir Mashin

The International Criminal Court (ICC) announced its intention to prosecute not only Hamas leaders, but also to issue an arrest warrant for war crimes against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Defence Minister. This caused a storm of protest in Israel, both from the authorities and from public organisations: Israel categorically refused to comply with the ICC decision, calling it shameful…

01.06.2024 Veniamin Popov

In mid-May, Arabs collectively put forward a plan to end the war in Gaza and resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. On 16 May, the 33rd Arab Summit was held. Leaders from all 22 Arab countries met in Bahrain, including the Presidents of Egypt, Syria, Palestine, the King of Jordan, the Emir of Qatar, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and others…

31.05.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Israel brazenly carried out a massive invasion of eastern Rafah, despite global concern for the fate of the estimated 1.5 million Palestinian civilians who were unwillingly trapped in this southernmost city in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli military said its tanks had entered the Rafah crossing, which links the besieged Palestinian territory to Egypt, from the Gaza side and taken “operational control” of the vital border crossing. Israel claims that the Palestinian resistance movement…

28.05.2024 Taut Bataut

From the United States to Africa, people around the world are protesting against Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Amidst the backdrop of a strange silence from the Muslim world, South Africa made headlines by becoming the first country to register a genocide case against Israel in the International Criminal Court (ICC). The ICC has since then been investigating Israel’s war crimes in Gaza. Recently, the Chief prosecutor of the ICC…

28.05.2024 Veniamin Popov

On May 14, Israel celebrated a gloomy 76th birthday. More than seven months after the October 7 terrorist attack, the war still rattles the Gaza Strip, continuing to wreak unprecedented devastation, and the goals set by Israeli forces continue to evade them. Benjamin Netanyahu has promised to destroy Hamas and release the hostages, but those objectives have yet to be achieved…

20.05.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

The US is ideologically inclined to support Israel in its endeavor to eliminate Palestinians and establish a larger Israeli state, as a way of legitimizing its creation model. As Israel continues with Rafah Operation, completely blockades to ultimately eliminate Gazans (as a people) and occupy the land many leaked plans show, Washington looks at Israel with the pride a father has for a child that shows his traits he cherishes…

20.05.2024 Viktor Mikhin

The criminal war being waged by Israel in Gaza may be coming to an end as the Israeli military advances to capture Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. This point on the border with Egypt is providing relative security for the more than 1.4 million Palestinian civilians forcibly displaced within the territory. The seven-month war, which has killed some 35,000 Palestinians and devastated Gaza’s cities, has led to an increase of tensions in the Middle East and brought Israel and the US to the brink of a military conflict with Iran and its regional allies…

16.05.2024 Madi Khalis Maalouf

The capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, hosted a special session of the World Economic Forum on April 28 and 29. The theme of this year’s event was “Global Cooperation, Growth and Energy for Development”. However, it was not the economic component of the event that attracted the attention of observers. Negotiations on the situation in the Gaza Strip were held on the sidelines of the forum…

15.05.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Amongst the issues that Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza has exposed is the hollowness of the Western liberal ideas of free speech. That the collective West has no qualms about not waging wars is not a fresh revelation. At least ever since the end of the Second World War, the harbingers of liberalism have waged more wars – and killed more people – than those professing other ideologies and/or practising…

12.05.2024 Viktor Mikhin

These days, despite his best efforts, everything is going wrong for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The massive and relentless assault on Gaza, now in its seventh month, has failed to deliver the decisive victory he solemnly promised Israelis after Hamas’ successes on 7 October. The US and other Western allies, horrified by what they have done in conjunction with the Israelis in Gaza against the Palestinians, are warning Tel Aviv against carrying out the much-publicised ground invasion of Rafah. And daily rallies by families of captives who want B. Netanyahu to agree to a prisoner swap deal with Hamas, tear apart and continually agitate Israeli society…