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Франция Африка

Is France going to be able to maintain its position in Africa?

On March 1-5, French President Macron visited a number of African countries, leaving observers with a bitter taste in their mouths.  Conceived with great fanfare as a presentation of Paris ostensibly new course aimed at “equal cooperation” with the African continent, it was remembered only for scandals, public spats with African presidents, and taunts…

Pogos Anastasov

The “French era” is coming to an end, and not just in Africa

During his recent four-day African tour, French President Emmanuel Macron was forced to admit that the era of the “Françafrique” is over in Gabon. It existed for more than six decades, realizing Paris’ desire to imprison its former colonies in Africa in the “arms” of enslaving economic agreements and informal arrangements with the local elites that came to power…

Vladimir Danilov
Президент Франции French President

France in Africa: Emmanuel Macron’s farewell visit

French President Emmanuel Macron began his 18th visit to Africa since the year 2017 on March 1st. He chose to visit three French-speaking countries (Gabon, the Republic of the Congo, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo) and one Portuguese-speaking country, Angola. A valid question arises: Why the farewell? Indeed, the French president still has plenty of time to visit Africa...

Oleg Pavlov