Archives Europe and Ukraine - Page 2 of 4 - New Eastern Outlook
10.05.2024 Henry Kamens

After the US and the UK closed the skies over Israel from incoming, Zelensky asks why they cannot do this for Ukraine. I think that in general they could try to do this in the future as a last resort, but only for a limited area, and maybe not even then. Now, and into the foreseeable future, any proactive move depends on how events in Ukraine develop, and the end, for Ukraine, is near…

04.05.2024 Seth Ferris

Just when we thought western hypocrisy over the war in Ukraine had reached rock bottom, lo and behold, they get out an excavator and keep digging. A series of precision strikes across the country over the last few days have devastated thermal and hydroelectric power plants, including the largest ones in Kiev and Kharkov…

18.04.2024 Phil Butler

Many worldwide have been waiting for the other foot to fall on the conflict in Ukraine. Finally, good old Germans are the ones to plop down the telling jackboot. Making money off the blood-soaked ground of Europe’s most corrupt and (now) pitiful country is what it’s all about. Germany now proposes to open the gate for private investment funds to make debtors out of a crippled nation. And the Russians are the bad guys?…

17.04.2024 Aleena Im

It is a safe assumption that the major reason Ukraine is in its current predicament is due to Zelensky’s desire to become the new best friend of the US and its Western allies. Despite several warnings from the Kremlin to not bring NATO to Russia’s doorstep, Ukraine’s efforts to do just that were clear. Ukraine hosted military infrastructure which hosted Western troops, was working on NATO-linked navy bases in the Black Sea region, signed a US-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnerships, and was benefitting from US training programs for Ukrainian

29.03.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Europe is in a state of desperation; the continent is losing in Ukraine despite the ‘mighty’ strength of NATO; and European leaders are now vowing for a ‘stronger’ response, including via sending their own forces to combat Russian military forces in Ukraine. Will this decision, if it is ultimately taken, bring any meaningful change to Ukraine’s slow fall is, however, a moot question. What makes it a moot question is the scale of Ukraine’s fall and the depletion of Western stockpiles of weapons and ammunition that it is already finding hard to refill…

23.03.2024 Henry Kamens

Recent weeks have seen a flurry of pronouncements from Macron, the President of France, whereby he seems to be channeling the “inner Napoleon” that abides hidden in the hearts of French leaders, the same way Hitler seems to be in those of their German allies. Macron went on record as saying that NATO countries should not exclude sending troops to support Ukraine on a “bilateral basis” saying

15.03.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Following French President Macron’s remarks about sending NATO troops to Ukraine to fight Russia, shadows of a wider conflict in Europe are looming large. If that happens, it will be a conflict triggered by Washington’s obsession with expanding NATO to include Ukraine and the subsequent inability of the combined NATO forces to defeat Russia and/or beat it into negotiations – a failure that is now reinforcing European states’ fear of Russian dominance (another Washington narrative) in Europe…

08.03.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

French president, Emmanuel Macron stated that the idea of sending NATO troops to Ukraine remained an option (here), which when coupled with Germany’s Luftwaffe plotting to blow up the Crimean Bridge (here) reflects a policy Cul-de-sac that the EU and NATO face. Few options remain, the first being NATO officially intervening in Ukraine, which can result in prohibitive military costs. The second entails waiting for the EU to slide further into recession due to a lack of affordable Russian energy (here). The third option, which the West ignores, entails the EU and the US…

06.03.2024 Henry Kamens

POLAND has just had the BIGGEST attitude shift, from having whole-heartily supported Ukraine without reservation, having accepted so many refugees with open arms, and provided a higher amount of assistance in relation to its size, both financial and militarily, and only now is coming to the realization that all is not well with the war, that the closed ranks of the West are not so tight, and that its own population is fed up with the situation…

23.02.2024 Seth Ferris

Often headlines, “clickbait” or otherwise, can be very revealing and more loaded than what you think, they can even be considered trigger-happy, especially in light of the timing, its publication source and in the wake of what else is going on in the news cycle. With the US-led military debacle in Ukraine, the interview of Putin by Tucker Carlson is a prime example of how an event can trigger a flood of such headlines…

21.02.2024 Henry Kamens

When a politician, even a figurehead one, such as Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, goes against the official policy of her government, in this case the ruling Georgian Dream Party, by showing up for the recent Munich Security Conference…

07.02.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

As is well known, the Russian-Ukrainian military and political crisis began in no small measure because of NATO’s violations of the agreements previously reached with Moscow during the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Treaty Organisation. In particular, the United States (whose “backyard,” as Russian President Vladimir V. Putin notes, is NATO) decided that NATO was the “backyard” of the United States. In particular, the United States (whose “backyard,” as Russian President…