Archives EU - Page 5 of 5 - New Eastern Outlook
11.07.2023 Vladimir Terehov
Chinese Prime Minister’s Trip to Europe

From June 19-23, Li Qiang, leader of the State Council (i.e., prime minister of China), who only took office in March of this year, made his first trip abroad. The focus of his first foreign tour was the European continent. Specifically, the two leading countries of the European Union, Germany and France, as well as the top leadership of the EU. The very fact of this event, along with a number of other similar events that have occurred in recent months, allows the author to make a few remarks about China’s foreign policy. Its current form has been shaped over the past few years and was once again confirmed in principled political issues at the 20th CCP Congress last fall and in “economic and practical” terms at the parliamentary session held six months later (the so-called “Two Sessions”). Li Qiang was appointed to implement the latter…

23.06.2023 Journal NEO

In connection with the inclusion of New Eastern Outlook in the EU’s 11th sanctions package, we sincerely appreciate the free and effective promotion of our journal. For many years New Eastern Outlook has been an open forum for experts from different countries to express their views on a wide range of political, economic and social issues. We have honestly and consistently reported on the neo-colonial policies of the EU and the United States in various regions of the world, and we consider the sanctions policy against us to be our highest commendation…

17.06.2023 Bakhtiar Urusov
Unequal confrontation between Vilnius and Beijing

At the end of April in Lithuania, one of the “major” NATO countries, the local Foreign Ministry initiated a conference on “NATO and the Indo-Pacific Region,” where Vilnius tried to contribute to the unfolding confrontation with China in accordance with the trends set by the United States. It is noteworthy that the Baltic state stood out noticeably against the other participants – the United States, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand – for its complete noninvolvement in the affairs of the region in question. Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis insisted on the need to build closer cooperation between NATO and “democratic” states…

14.06.2023 Bakhtiar Urusov
The Collective West is more united than ever against China

The US and the EU have now developed the closest for the past three decades positions on the PRC, according to the US Department of State. On Tuesday, May 30, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who was visiting Sweden, made a very ambiguous statement regarding China. At a joint press conference with Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson in the port Lulea, the head of the US Department of State said that the countries of the Collective West have developed the closest positions on the PRC in recent decades. “In about 30 years of my work, I really haven’t seen a time when there has been greater overlap in approaches to China between the United States and Europe…

13.06.2023 Alexandr Svaranc
Turkish Stand towards Prospects of Sweden Joining NATO

During the presidential election campaign, Erdoğan’s main rival, the leader of the opposition People’s Alliance block Kılıçdaroğlu, stated in his anti-Russian rhetoric that in case of his victory he would remind the Russians about Turkey’s membership in NATO. However, nobody in Moscow has forgotten that Turkey, either with Erdoğan or without him still (since February 1952) remains a member to the North Atlantic Treaty. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu failed to provide a well-reasoned explanation for his reminders, and now, after his defeat, he and all other leaders of the Republican People’s Party have resigned in connection to their failure…

08.06.2023 Henry Kamens
Ukraine is a Lost Cause: Why Prolong the Death and Suffering on Life Support?

There was once a time when Hungary was the country in Eastern Europe with an ax to grind with the then USSR; however, that was then, 1956; times have changed, and so have modern-day realities. At least one EU leader is thinking: Ukraine is a lost cause, and why then to prolong the death and suffering? The headline sums it up accurately, “Orban Says Ukraine Can’t Win War as he justifies Veto on EU Assistance”. Speaking in a Bloomberg interview at the Qatar Economic Forum, Orban argued that “Ukraine’s military effort is doomed and sending further aid…

07.06.2023 Konstantin Asmolov

Yoon’s invitation to the summit, according to First Deputy National Security Adviser Kim Tae-hyo, “will be an opportunity to reaffirm our status as a global partner in defending the rules-based international order and responding to global challenges.” Therefore, during his speech at the enlarged G7 session on May 20, the president of the Republic of Korea actively demonstrated a “global Korea,” mostly concerning humanitarian issues…

06.06.2023 Seth Ferris
Poland: John Paul II Used to Lead Everyone to Hell

Something very disturbing is happening in Poland. At any period of that country’s history this could have been said. But this is another seemingly local issue which could have far-reaching implications. The current Polish government has attracted a lot of international controversy. Though Poland is a member of the EU, committed to integration, liberalisation and globalisation, its ruling Law and Justice Party has adopted attitudes typical of a right-wing dinosaur party: protectionism, chauvinism, authoritarianism, and dividing everyone into “good” and “bad” camps. This is Poland’s version of the populism which is sweeping the world as people…

05.06.2023 Konstantin Asmolov
About Yoon Suk-Yeol’s trip to Hiroshima

From May 19 to 21, President Yoon Suk-yeol attended the G7 Summit in Hiroshima. Yoon Suk-yeol is the fourth South Korean leader to attend the G7 leaders’ meeting; this time, he was invited to the summit along with the leaders of Australia, Brazil, the Comoros, the Cook Islands, India, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Upon his return home, Yoon Suk-yeol met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on May 21 and with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen…

19.05.2023 Henry Kamens
EU for Georgia

So, the EU does not want Georgia now that it refuses to die for Ukraine or open a second front against Russia. It does not want to “Cut off its nose to spite its face”. Georgia’s EU candidacy status has been a carrot dangling from a stick in front of a donkey for many years, and has brought about some good results; however, a Georgian donkey is stubborn, and for good reason. It is so easy to frame everything into simple choices, especially when perceived by outsiders and the naïve…

04.12.2017 Deena Stryker

France’s youngest President, Emanuel Macron has been much derided since taking office in May, for likening himself to Jupiter, with make-up for the cameras, and expensive haircuts. His labor reforms, which roll back decades of workers’ gains, provoked massive opposition...