Archives Energy - New Eastern Outlook
08.06.2024 Bair Danzanov

Today, in the era of active development of green energy, which has swept not only developed but also developing countries, traditional energy sources such as brown coal remain important in Mongolia – even though renewable energy sources are being developed in parallel in the country. The authorities of the country, where all major energy facilities were built by foreign (in this case Soviet) specialists many decades ago, have in recent years begun to turn their attention back to thermal power generation, abandoning utopian notions of renewable energy as a universal “panacea” capable of ridding the country of the threat of energy shortages without harming the environment.

04.02.2024 Anvar Azimov

French head of state Emmanuel Macron visited India the other day. He was the chief guest of the celebrations in Delhi on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Republic of India, proclaimed on 26 January 1950 with the adoption of the Constitution. Traditionally, on this significant day, large-scale military parades and colourful civilian demonstrations are held in the capital and other major cities of the country. Every year the Indian leadership invites a high guest of honour to celebrate the Republic Day. Initially it was planned that US President Joseph Biden would come to Delhi, but he, citing his busy schedule, could not come and then the Indians…

25.01.2024 Boris Kushhov

Rosatom’s most active development in Central Asia to date has been the creation of the first energy facility of its kind in Uzbekistan – the Jizzakh NPP. In September 2018, Russia and Uzbekistan signed an intergovernmental agreement on the construction of a nuclear power plant. In September 2023, the Joint Commission at the level of the heads of government of Russia and Uzbekistan discussed issues related to the construction of the NPP. Survey work commenced at a promising construction site near Lake Tuzkan around the same time. On November 28, 2023, Alexey Likhachev…

19.01.2024 Boris Kushhov

The September-December 2023 period witnesses significant progress in the harmonization of the most territorially disputed border in Central Asia, namely the border between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Of the nearly 1,000 kilometers of the line separating the two republics, almost 400 kilometers remained uncoordinated for many years Now the parties are announcing deadlines for the completion of all work designed to exhaust the conflict potential of the problem. Work on harmonizing the Tajik-Kyrgyz border intensified in October 2023 – almost 75 kilometers of the border…

12.01.2024 Aleksei Bolshakov

The African continent is one of the fastest growing energy markets in the world, driven by the economic and demographic potential of countries on the continent. Such a leap poses new challenges for African countries. The energy industry remains one of the main challenges. As a major player in the market, Russia is the partner of choice for many countries in the nuclear energy field…

09.01.2024 Anvar Azimov

Russia and India are successfully and dynamically developing traditionally friendly relations of special privileged strategic partnership based on mutual trust, understanding and respect. In the history of our close, trusting and unique ties, there have never been any insurmountable problematic issues, and both sides are always energised to build up multi-vector mutually beneficial cooperation. Regular bilateral contacts at various levels are key in this regard. The last Russian-Indian full-scale summit was held in New Delhi in December 2021. Another summit was planned for autumn 2023…

11.12.2023 Viktor Mikhin

According to the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES), “the prospect of the EU receiving more liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Egypt in the short and medium term looks unachievable due to tight gas balances and reduced imports form Israel.” Or, to put it in less academic terms, we can say that this is clearly what Russian President Vladimir Putin has said, namely that Europe, which has followed the US line and refused to buy cheap Russian gas, has caused itself and its people lasting economic, financial and political harm. Last year, for example, Egypt shipped 80 percent…

10.12.2023 Boris Kushhov

During the period of existence of the present Central Asian republics within the unified socialist state, the distribution of electric power was solved, taking into account the needs of all republics and total economic efficiency. At that time, the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic’s sole headquarters oversaw the Central Asian energy system, which functioned outside from the USSR energy system. Because the Republican and economic district lines did not quite align, few people were able to “pull the blanket on themselves.” However, everyone was given what they needed, neither more nor less…

25.11.2023 Taut Bataut

Rishi Sunak’s recent policy changes and the decision to push back key climate commitments have raised serious concerns about the UK’s commitment to fighting the climate crisis. In light of this, the Just Stop Oil protests have gained prominence as they demand immediate action to address the nation’s contribution to the climate problem. Sunak’s U-turn on climate policies, including the delay in phasing out petrol and diesel cars and gas boilers, has prompted a divisive reaction from various quarters, with environmentalists and climate scientists expressing dismay while …

23.11.2023 Boris Kushhov

In April 2023, the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan assessed the degree of deterioration of the main CHPs in the country. As a result, it was found that most of the facilities were significantly depreciated, with many of them (as many as 17) having depreciation rates exceeding 70%. The Ministry’s report reflects another peculiarity of Kazakhstan’s CHPs – all of them (37 units) were built during the Soviet period. Privatisation of this sector of the economy in the 1990s led to the concentration of sectoral facilities with private companies…

21.11.2023 Phil Butler

Africa is the fastest-growing energy market in the world. The continent is on the verge of geometric economic growth, but until recently, almost 1.5 billion people had no access to domestic electric power. Various investments, initiatives, and projects by Russia, China, and other nations now vie for top positions geostrategically and economically. At a plenary session of Russian Energy Week in October, President Vladimir Putin stressed the necessity for Russia to ensure energy security on the old continent…

02.10.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

The modern world is on the path towards the formation of a new world order, and the alignment and role of many countries will change, with some developing countries becoming developed nations and others taking their place, while yet others are highly likely to disappear entirely. Unfortunately, just like hundreds of years ago, our world is far from just and is still plagued by the struggle for resources, which are inevitably monopolized by the strong to the detriment of the weak. Sadly, force continues to determine what is right. As David Hurst, co-founder and editor-in-chief of Middle East Eye writes on this subject, “The old world…