Archives Economic development - Page 14 of 15 - New Eastern Outlook
15.07.2023 Vladimir Terehov

In recent years, many journalists have tended to be skeptical about the role played by the World Economic Forum in driving contemporary global political processes. The WEF is better known by the name of the town that hosts its plenary meetings, Davos, in Switzerland. A few years ago, when “world government” conspiracy theories were popular, the WEF was frequently listed among shadowy and exclusive membership groups as the Bilderberg Group and the Club of Rome which, supposedly, took decisions of major global significance. At this stage, a few observations may be in order. First of all, it is true that the real global powers in today’s world are losing interest in the Davos Forum. In the author’s view, this interest peaked at the January 2017 meeting of the WEF, at which the Chinese leader Xi Jinping was the chief guest…

14.07.2023 Anna Kudinova

In recent months, the USA has stepped up efforts to discredit the New Development Bank (NDB), which, in addition to the five BRICS countries, includes Egypt, Bangladesh, and the UAE, while about 20 other countries are candidates to join. The reason for this activity on the part of Washington is simple and clear. The Americans want to slow down the process of forming an alternative global financial infrastructure. China is working to shift its commerce away from the dollar and has absolutely no intention of stopping…

13.07.2023 Madi Khalis Maalouf

Iran is attempting to create a gas alliance involving Qatar. While Turkey is attempting to rescue the grain deal, Iran is actively promoting the concept of establishing a gas hub of its own. The gas swap between Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan via Iran served as a test phase. Later in November 2022, Russia and Iran started researching the idea of swapping gas supplies, which initially would be around 10 billion cubic meters per year. Iran formally proposed to Russia and Turkmenistan a large-scale gas swap in February 2023, in which Russia would get gas in the north and Turkmenistan would supply it in exchange in either direction in the south. They specifically discussed deliveries of gas to Pakistan, near whose border Iran is building a gas pipeline with a capacity of 100 million m3/day of gas (about 36.5 billion m3/year), opening up the prospect of supplying India in the future.

28.06.2023 Viktor Mikhin
Turkey’s foreign policy during Erdoğan’s third presidential term

On June 3, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was sworn in as president of Turkey for another five-year term. The inauguration and the subsequent ceremony, attended by approximately 80 international and regional leaders, suggested that a significant change in Turkey’s foreign policy priorities may be under way. Observers have predicted that the Turkish president is likely to continue with his recent policy of “neutralizing” problems abroad and strengthening partnerships with other countries in the region. On May 31, several days after his election victory, he declared: “Our goal is to establish a belt of security & peace from Europe to Black Sea…

10.06.2023 Phil Butler
Eritrea and the Roles of Future BRICS Nations

On May 31st, Vladimir Putin met with the President of the State of Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki, at the Kremlin. The meetup was ostensibly to fortify trade and economic cooperation between the East African nation and Russia. However, broader implications concerning the emerging multipolar world system are also at play. President Putin welcomed Eritrea’s president, noting that the occasion was Mr. Afwerki’s first visit to Moscow. Russia’s leader also said Eritrea’s celebration of 30 years of independence. However, the primary purpose of the meeting between Putin and Afwerki…

08.06.2023 Fernando Gaillardo
SCO national currencies instead of the dollar - a vital need

The upcoming session of the Council of the SCO Leaders in July will include discussions on boosting the usage of national currencies in trade between member nations. This topic was previously addressed, and a plan was established during the organization’s summit in Samarkand in September 2022. The SCO is currently one of the most extensive regional associations worldwide, providing unparalleled potential for collaboration between its participants on political, economic, security, humanitarian, and cultural matters. The organization is consistently evolving into a completely autonomous and self-sufficient structure, emerging…

01.06.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

As a result of the latest summit of the G7 countries in Hiroshima, the US, Canada, the UK and the EU adopted yet another, 11th to be precise, package of anti-Russian sanctions. The package includes more than 90 companies from all over the world, which, according to Brussels, allegedly violated the restrictive measures and continue supplying Russia with sanctioned goods (including companies in Armenia, Iran, UAE, Syria and others). At the same time, eight out…

13.04.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh
How China is Managing its BRI Partners: New Findings

For a very long time, most Western states – and financial institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) – have framed China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as a massive “debt trap” that China is using to establish its geopolitical tentacles across the world. For Washington, China’s spread threatened its own unilateral hegemony that it…

28.03.2023 Petr Konovalov
Индия и Вьетнам

As from the beginning of 2023, an increasing number of Western companies are looking to invest in Vietnam and India. Leading economists around the world believe that these countries have favorable grounds for foreign investment. In turn, during the past few years, China has seen a decline in the amount of investment…

27.03.2023 Boris Kushhov
mongoliya Монголия

Mongolia is increasingly in the sights of most major geopolitical players, according to modern experts in the field of international relations. For example, the United States intends to establish an Indo-Pacific region in which Mongolia will play an important ideological and political role. Mongolia is regarded as an important East Asian…

12.03.2023 Vladimir Terehov

In the first days of March India was the center of international politics. The formal occasion for the appearance on its territory of the forty foreign ministers was one of the calendar events of the Forum G20, that is the twenty leading economies in the world which together account for 85% of world GDP. Another 20 ministers arrived…