Archives Confrontation between Iran and the U.S. - New Eastern Outlook
25.06.2024 Nguyen Kien Van

Malaysia only recognizes sanctions imposed by the United Nations and not by any individual country, Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution says…

17.04.2024 Viktor Mikhin

There are few rivalries in our world as powerful and dangerous as that between Israel and Iran. The recent escalation of tensions between these two regional powers – as evidenced by Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus and Iran’s retaliatory drone and rocket attacks on Israel – has raised serious global concerns. Many around the world noted Iran’s statement that its military action was in response to Israeli aggression against its diplomatic facilities and that “the matter can be considered settled”. It is believed that if the flames of conflict in Gaza are allowed to continue to rage, the negative effects will spread and…

22.01.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

The US national debt reached $34 trillion on December 29th, 2023, and the congress called it a milestone (here). Why? Because congressmen and Wall Street know that it won’t be paid; at least not through American sweat and blood. Oppositely, Iran has 1.2 trillion cubic feet, and 158 billion barrels of proven gas and oil reserves respectively, resources the US Empire wants to steal. Therefore, when the mainstream media (MSM), Washington’s hidden forked tongue tells you how Iran sponsors terrorists or has Nuclear-weapon ambitions, keep…

16.01.2024 Brian Berletic

In the opening weeks of 2024, the US and British unilaterally launched several large-scale missile and air strikes on targets in territory held by Ansar Allah (referred to as the “Houthis” across the Western media) in Yemen. The strikes follow a campaign of missile strikes and boardings conducted by Ansar Allah against commercial shipping destined to and from Israel in response to Israel’s ongoing punitive operations in Gaza…

08.11.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

On the 26th of October, the US military carried out strikes against what it calls the Iran-backed militias operating in Syria and Iraq. This was allegedly in response to attacks on US forces in Syria and Iraq. On the 27th of October, US President Joe Biden reportedly sent a direct message to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, warning him of the consequences of Iranian support for the groups targeting the US forces. These clashes and strikes have a geopolitical context. Recently…

29.10.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

The military battle between the Palestinian Hamas and Israel remains a prominent matter of international concern. Despite the chaotic process of building conditional blocs of pro- and anti-Israeli forces, the armed conflict is yet to result in lengthy political discussions with an undetermined end. The West, led by the United States, the United Kingdom, and leading EU countries (France, Germany, Italy, and others), has unambiguously sided with Israel in this conflict, accusing Hamas of terrorism. Joe Biden and Rishi Sunak visited Israel to pledge their political and military support for the Jewish…

13.06.2023 Viktor Mikhin
The Persian Gulf: A failure of US policy

Washington, true to its fanatical mania for acting as the world’s policeman, has announced that it is sending more troops to the Persian Gulf in response to Iran’s lawful seizure of tankers that were passing through the strategic Strait of Hormuz. As the White House Press secretary John Kirby put it in a peremptory briefing: “The Department of Defense will be making a series of moves to bolster our defensive posture in the Persian Gulf.” To read this one cannot help but wonder at the geographical awareness of the current generation of US politicians…

19.05.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

Due to the fact that oil is always a geopolitical factor, history over the last century demonstrates that there is no such thing as little oil. Many new conflicts have occurred commencing from the beginning of the 20th century as a result of oil. And today, oil still plays a solely geopolitical role in the conflict between the parties, with the ability to rekindle both small-scale and major wars. One of the few nations with significant oil reserves is Iran. Iran is the third-largest oil producer in the world, with reserves that account for 13.5% of global oil reserves. Ahvaz, Marun, Aghajari, Gachsaran, Karanj, Bangestan…

23.08.2022 Valery Kulikov

The emergence of real signs of a possible settlement of the most acute crisis in the Middle East is linked to the possible signing of a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement on Iran's nuclear program, which is based on numerous compromises, could become a major victory for international...

18.04.2019 Salman Rafi Sheikh
A visible pattern of US foreign policy application in the past two decades has been direct wars/military interventions as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya. Importantly enough, all of these started with the US designating these countries, their rulers or…