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Archives BRICS - Page 10 of 16 - New Eastern Outlook

Nikolay Novichkov: "Russia's wealth will be multiplied not only by Siberia and the northern seas, but also by the southern seas and shores in the African direction and in the global South in general"

The range of issues we discussed during our conversation with Nikolay Novichkov, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, member of the State Duma, was incredibly broad. We talked about Russia’s competitive advantages over others on the African continent and the prospects of the digital ruble in our mutual settlements, as well as cultural and educational projects…

Yuliya Novitskaya

Turkey’s search for a “historic” alternative to the EU

The question of Turkey’s possible integration with Europe has been under discussion for decades and is one of the most problematic issues in post-war European history. Turkey was one of the founders of the Council of Europe in 1949, has been an “associate member” of the EEC since 1964, and officially applied for EU membership on April 14, 1987, but was only granted candidate status 12 years later, at the Helsinki Summit in 1999. Following the Brussels summit of December 17, 2004, accession negotiations with Turkey began on October 3, 2005. Turkey appears to have harmonized its laws with those of the EU…

Alexandr Svaranc

Declining Unipolar World Order and Rise of BRICS

The dissolution of the Soviet Union and the fall of the wall of Berlin in 1989 gave birth to the unipolar world order led by the United States. Globalization also emerged as a byproduct of this unipolar world order. The United States succeeded in aligning most of the countries towards one singular interest, that of the United States and its allies’. The global supply chain network pinnacled to an unprecedented level during this era of globalization. Former US President George Bush proclaimed in his speech, in 1991, that this US-led world order…

Abbas Hashemite