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14.04.2023 Konstantin Asmolov
South Korea and the scandal with the leak of secret US documents. President Yoon Seok Yeol

Several Pentagon and CIA documents relating to the Ukraine crisis surfaced on the Internet in early April. If the contents of the revealed documents are accurate, we are currently seeing the biggest leak of private American records since Edward Snowden’s 2013 exposures. We are, however, interested in the Korean aspect of the controversy because…

10.04.2023 Konstantin Asmolov
Хэиль - новое подводное ядерное оружие

While we concentrated on the March 23 shooting in last week’s Chronicle of Moving to the Dangerous Line, the Korean Central News Agency broke news on March 24 that merits separate thought as Pyongyang laid another set of trump cards on the table. The recent “confrontational hysteria of the U.S. imperialists and the South Korean puppet…

07.04.2023 Henry Kamens

This is the question Donald Trump brought to the forefront when he started asking why the US was paying the lion’s share for European security and demanding that members of NATO foot the bill, with at least 2 percent of their GNP. It remains pertinent because the present situation can only exist if the US has the capability…

02.04.2023 Alexandr Svaranc
Турция НАТО

Finland and Sweden are reported to have applied to join NATO in May 2022, ostensibly because they fear a military danger from Russia as Russian-Ukrainian military-political relations deteriorate. Yet in truth, neither then nor now, has Russia been a military danger to the Scandinavian nations. However, in case they join the alliance, Russia will have to take…

28.03.2023 Konstantin Asmolov
США и Южная Корея

The United States, South Korea, and Japan continue to conduct bilateral and trilateral exercises designed to combat North Korea. This activity has climaxed in Freedom Shield military exercises between the United States and South Korea, which are being held on a grand scale this year after a lengthy break.  North Korea, for its part, sees this as an invasion threat and actively bares its teeth through…

21.03.2023 Henry Kamens
Chemical weapon

Once something is denied, and adamantly, you can suspect it is either true or something which raises too many inconvenient questions. Old news, such as US Produced Sarin Gas Used in Syria in Ukraine Lab, is now very current when we see vivid clips of Russian soldiers suffering horrific deaths from canister of poison gas dropped…

09.03.2023 Valery Kulikov

The current events in Ukraine and around Taiwan, as well as the US’s incessant pumping of new significant quantities of weapons into these regions, make it increasingly clear that the White House is on track to unleash World War III. The militarization of the national and global economies by the United States, combined with...

06.03.2023 Yuriy Zinin

“The West is Playing with Fire in Ukraine,” “The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict and the Achilles’ Heel,” “Why Europe is Splitting over Ukraine Arms Deliveries.” These and similar headlines in the Middle Eastern publications reflect the response of local media and political circles to the West’s recent increase in arms deliveries to Kyiv. According to local analysts, the West…

24.02.2023 Brian Berletic

In recent weeks, the United States and its NATO allies have begun discussions about providing Ukraine with a wider array of weaponry ranging from Western main battle tanks and longer-range munitions, to even Western warplanes. The “doubling down” by the West comes at a time when NATO’s stockpiles of Soviet-era equipment runs…

13.02.2023 Konstantin Asmolov

Given that the story about "arms supplies to Russia from the DPRK" has been gaining ground, the author has repeatedly stated that Seoul is the main target of this hysteria that serves as another justification for the ROK's increased involvement in the plans of the US and its allies against Russia's national interests. This strategy included two significant visits at the end of January 2023...

30.01.2023 Salman Rafi Sheikh

While Ukraine is not a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), the way the West has supplied weapons to the Ukrainian army to fight the Russian forces has increasingly NATOized Ukraine’s forces. As I mentioned previously, Russia is fighting a conflict not with Ukraine but with NATO. This is evident not just...

23.12.2022 Brian Berletic

After months of feigned confidence and optimism from both the West and Ukraine’s senior military leadership, cracks are beginning to appear. During Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief General Valery Zaluzhny’s recent interview with the Economist, Ukraine’s desperate need for additional arms and the consequences for not receiving them was made very clear. The discussion revolved around...