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Афганистан Талибы Талибан

What does the future hold for Afghanistan?

As you might be aware, the Taliban insurgents who are proscribed in Russia took over the Afghan capital, Kabul, on August 15, 2021, with minimal resistance and have since become the sole governing power in the country. The Taliban have expressed their willingness to engage with the international community, establish an inclusive government with representatives from all regions of the country…

Vladimir Platov

Russia: the New Center of Afghan Peace Process?

In Kabul, the opening of a Russian cultural centre on the site of the House of Science and Culture, which was originally built in 1980 by the Soviet Union, stands as a symbol of Russia’s increasing presence in Afghanistan as…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

Abusive and Disastrous: The Two Adjectives of America’s Failed Afghan Mission

The US is considering to pull about half of its current fighting force out of Afghanistan in order to pave the way for an eventual withdrawal. The RAND corporation has even prepared a peace-plan, which it shared with diplomats in…
Salman Rafi Sheikh