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01.03.2014 Konstantin Asmolov

In the context of the situation around Jang Song-taek, the second anniversary of Kim Jong-il's death has gone relatively quietly. Nevertheless...

01.03.2014 Vladimir Simonov

Almost three years after the mass unrest in Bahrain, the situation in the kingdom has become strained once again. The ruling royal family has itself initiated this tension, by deciding to celebrate, as a national holiday, the 13th anniversary...

28.02.2014 Henry Kamens

What name can we give to this spring’s uprising in Ukraine? We can always expect a diversion when the US is in a hole domestically, and Ukraine and the compliant media have provided that. That has been pretty much the story of US foreign policy under...

28.02.2014 Viktor Mikhin

Saudi Arabia resembles an awakened volcano that has slumbered for many decades, and now is beginning to “disgorge” one initiative after another, gradually changing its foreign policy. As noted by the politician and representative of neorealism theory...

28.02.2014 Natalia Rogozhina

The “Arab Spring” forced us to once again re-interpret all the problems facing the Middle East, including ecological issues which, at first glance, are not directly connected to the revolutionary events happening in the region...

27.02.2014 Seth Ferris

Mission Accomplished, but this time the battle is only just beginning. The removal of the Yanukovych government in Ukraine and the running street battles in Kiev have provided a convenient distraction to the debacle in Syria and America’s continuing inability to get its actions...

27.02.2014 Martin Harris

On the twenty fifth anniversary of the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Taliban have likened the success of the holy war fought against the Soviets to the “jihad” now forcing the United States and its allies out of Afghanistan...

27.02.2014 Vladimir Odintsov

International terrorism and extremism are exported particularly actively in this era of globalization. Almost all countries, where there is a significant proportion of Muslim population, have to deal with Islamic radicalism today. We can clearly see...

26.02.2014 Salman Rafi Sheikh

A central element of the US’ Counter-Insurgency Strategy (COIN against Taliban in Afghanistan was economic development and rehabilitation of the war-torn social fabric of Afghanistan, which was supposed to leave minimum room for Taliban to expand...

26.02.2014 Janet Phelan

In remarks at a hearing held this past week by the US House Committee on Homeland Security's Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response and Communications, Dr. Robert Kadlec warned of the imminent nature of a biological weapons attack...

26.02.2014 Konstantin Asmolov

eca86bd9e2fb12cc4b2601In early January, disastrous news had been sweeping through the global media: the tyrannical regime in North Korea had yet again revealed its true colours. North Korea’s former man number two Jang Song-taek was not only executed following a fast-track court but also subjected…

25.02.2014 Eric Draitser

From Syria to Sochi, Poland to Pussy Riot, diplomatic and geopolitical conflicts between Russia and the West have come to dominate the headlines. However, behind these issues lies the fundamental economic competition that must...