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05.03.2014 Sofia Pale

By 2005, thanks to the recom- mendations of international organizations for combating economic crime, Transparency International and the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF, as well as of the UN, the OECD, and...

05.03.2014 Pogos Anastasov

For a long time – probably two or three years after the beginning of the “Arab Revolutions” in Tunisia in late 2010 – something seemed wrong with the picture of events. There was a feeling that they were chaotic, and that everything was happening too spontaneously to be...

04.03.2014 Tony Cartalucci

In the wake of the West's horrifying handiwork in Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, condemnation for Russia's "intervention" falls flat.  For all intents and purposes, "intervention" in Ukraine has already been carried out. without the extensive...

04.03.2014 Gordon Duff

We are seeing it today, in the Ukraine, Syria, across Africa; more than two dozen instances have been cataloged. Highly organized armed groups, multiple nationalities, all drawn upon at need, ready for any mission, riot, revolution, subversion...

04.03.2014 Valery Kulikov

Many countries have noted how easily the White House overthrows legitimate governments using “color” and “Arab Revolutions” organized by it, or threats of military force, as it is the case with Syria, in order to achieve its imperial ambitions to rule the world.

03.03.2014 Janet Phelan

President Obama's drone policy is back in the news again, as he is reportedly mulling over killing another American citizen abroad via a drone strike. The issue of a President ordering the assassination of a US citizen first hit the presses...

03.03.2014 Konstantin Orlov

The third anniversary of the revolution was celebrated in Yemen recently, and public demonstrations were held in the capital city of Sana’a on this occasion. Participants of the celebration recalled the events of 2011, when a civil war began in the country...

03.03.2014 Nikolai Bobkin

The next round of talks between the “G6” (the 5 security council members plus Germany and Iran on the topic of the Iranian nuclear programme is set for the 17th of March in Vienna...

02.03.2014 Seth Ferris

I just realized that I am a conservative, a true conservative, each time there is a revolution somewhere in the world, I am critical of it and plainly against it. Seth Ferris is an American conservative...

02.03.2014 Tony Cartalucci

Karl Marx said of religion: Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions...

02.03.2014 Stanislav Ivanov

Analyzing the tragic events of the “Arab Spring” of 2011-2014 in the Middle East, some experts and political analysts suggest that these large-scale outbreaks of violence cannot be limited to specific timeframes or a change of the ruling elites in some countries in the region...

01.03.2014 F. William Engdahl

Since a dispute over ownership of a group of barren and remote islands in the East China Sea—China calls them Diaoyu Islands, Japan, Senkaku—tensions between the two economic giants of Asia have escalated to a point of near military clash when China...