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09.01.2014 Konstantin Penzev

In his annual message to the Federal Assembly for the year 2014 (12.12.2013, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin described the rise of Siberia and the Far East as the national priority for the whole 21st century. This news has not received much coverage in the foreign media...

08.01.2014 Vladimir Shevchenko

The Syrian crisis is exerting a direct impact on the situation in Lebanon as the political forces of the country had split into two camps – Bashar al-Assad's supporters and their opponents – even before the developments in Syria...

08.01.2014 Vladimir Terehov

The introduction of the so-called Air Defense Identi- fication Zone (ADIZ in the East China Sea (ECS on November 23 by the Ministry of Defense of the PRC remains one of the major world political events...

07.01.2014 Petr Lvov

In recent days the topic of trans- forming the Middle East into a zone free of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD has once again been revived in the media. This is perhaps attributable to the fact that Syria is in the process of actively eliminating...

07.01.2014 Henry Kamens

When Mikheil Saakashvili was in charge of Georgia he was always promoted as the friend of democracy and Western values. But it did not take long for his sponsors, the USA, to realize that he was nothing of the sort. Extrajudicial murder, massive...

06.01.2014 Vladimir Platov

While a significant part of the Arab world has been forced to suffer the consequences of the so-called “Arab Spring” and radicalization of society, leading to increasing internal and external isolation, Algeria has made a bid for national creative accomplishments and strengthening of its international...

06.01.2014 Konstantin Asmolov

Now let us talk about the real potential of the forces of North and South, in case an armed conflict does start. On this issue, there are also plenty of myths, actively promoted by “fans” of both sides. Of course, considering the South Korean Army without mentioning the United States would...

05.01.2014 Konstantin Asmolov

Although the parties continue to exchange menacing statements, the words are not accompanied by actions, which could significantly increase the tension. Kaesong complex is slowly coming back to life, although many thought this project would end in the midst of the spring aggravation. Therefore...

04.01.2014 Yuriy Zinin

The recent developments in Ukraine have not gone unnoticed in the Arab media and social networks. The titles of some of the published materials are quite telling: Arab spring winds are blowing towards Ukraine,Ukraine in exchange for Syria etc. According to the UAE's newspaper Al Watan, Euromaidan...

03.01.2014 Vladimir Karyakin

What might be the possible scenarios of the development of the military and political situation in Afghanistan in the period after 2014? Scenario No. 1. Fragmentation of the country. Due to the split within the national elite of Afghanistan which emerged following...

02.01.2014 Vladimir Karyakin

The anthem of Afghanistan has the following lines: "This Land will shine forever – Like the sun in the blue sky / In the chest of Asia – It will remain as its heart forever." It is an exact description of this country's true position in the Middle East and Central Asia. Without a fundamental lasting peace...

31.12.2013 Vladimir Odintsov

The bomb attack of December 24 2013, which targeted a police station in the Egyptian city of Mansoura, left 14 people dead and 200 more injured. Egypt's Prime Minister Hazem Al Beblawi has not simply attributed the attack to the Muslim Brotherhood group, he has also declared it a...