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22.01.2014 Sofia Pale

In recent years, China has made a transition from a "soft" force to launching a rather rigorous offensive on the leader of the current global economic system – the United States. This was facilitated by the financial crisis of 2008, which started in America and spread across the whole planet...

21.01.2014 Pogos Anastasov

Hugely popu- lar Prime Minister R.T. Erdogan, who has ruled the country since 2003, in​​ ten years has turned Turkey into a role model for many developing Asian and African countries. The sky was blue, the country was green, rapidly developing...

21.01.2014 Vladimir Terehov

In general, we can state that the increase in the organizational and technological quality of the armed forces is becoming central to Japan’s military development. This is particularly notable against the background of the symbolic...

20.01.2014 Vladimir Terehov

Japan’s military construction in the late 2013 and early 2014 will enter the postwar history of Japan as an important step on the long road of the country’s “normalization”. The term itself originated in the Japanese political elite in the early 1990s... 

20.01.2014 Vitaly Bilan

After its triumphant start in 2011-2012, recently the “flagship” of the Arab uprisings, the Islamic movement Muslim Brotherhood, sponsored by Qatar, has been losing ground practically in the entire region, which, in fact, is the first sign of decay of the once promising oriental tale called...


19.01.2014 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Numerous incidents of violence and conflict and consequent news of constructing new habitations constitute the main outline, in the Western media, of the “Palestinian” conflict. Usually, the stories of violence are covered under the heading of targeting the so-called “terrorists...

18.01.2014 Vladimir Platov

It seems that the international community has finally listened to the warnings voiced by the most sensible of its members and realized that the biggest threat to Europe and the United States comes not from the current regime in Damascus, that they directed considerable...

18.01.2014 Ian Carver

The last week of 2013 saw Uzbekistan - the most populous Central Asian nation - become the latest country to join the CIS free trade zone, a bloc encompassing former Soviet states Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan...

17.01.2014 Lagan Charu

An incident with the arrest of Indian diplomat by the U.S. authorities in New York, which occurred on December 12, 2013, and an openly discriminatory treatment of her, has forced India not only to take a series of response measures, in respect of members of the U.S. diplomatic corps in its...

17.01.2014 Dmitry Mosyakov

Analyzing these events today, it is interesting to see the way China carefully prepared for the military seizure of the islands. Having received the tacit consent of the Americans to seize the islands, apparently in 1972, Beijing did not hurry to conduct the operation and was...

16.01.2014 Gordon Duff

An American company bids on a military project in Africa. It finds its prime competitor is an Israeli company that submitted not just a superficially identical proposal but the same typographical and syntax errors as well. The Anti-Defamation League publishes the names of Americans invited...

16.01.2014 Konstantin Penzev

China has not raised any claims in the debate about global leadership yet, and it did not want to deprive America of its exclusivity. On the contrary, Beijing has strongly demonstrated its peacefulness and aversion to any form of hegemony during all these years. At first...