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15.03.2014 Vladimir Platov

On the same day in April of 2013, when at the Boston Marathon terrorists detonated two bombs that killed three and injured 200 people, 55 people were killed and some 250 were wounded due to Washington’s use of U.S. drones in Iraq (in Kirkut, Tikrit and a few...

15.03.2014 Viktor Mikhin

The beginning of 2014 for Saudi Arabia, according to most experts, will be primarily remembered for major changes in the country’s foreign policy. Perhaps for the first time in the history of the state’s existence, the king and his entourage...

14.03.2014 Matthew Crosston

At the present writing there has not been a final resolution to the crisis in Crimea and the possibility of a worsening situation remains high as the new Ukrainian Prime Minister heads to Washington DC while local Crimean authorities, with Russian support, promise to hold a referendum on basically seceding from Ukraine and rejoining the Russian Federation. Many respected...

14.03.2014 Tony Cartalucci

In the Times of India article, "Farmers’ groups give wish list to parties," it states: More than 100 farmers' organisations from about 14 states on Thursday presented a charter of demands to political parties for...

14.03.2014 Yuriy Zinin

The events in Ukraine somewhat set off events happening in other parts of the world, including in Libya. The situation has worsened here once again, due to the resignation of Ali Zeidan, the second Prime Minister in the history of the new Libya...

14.03.2014 Sofia Pale

The early 21st century was marked by a number of conceptual notions: “globalization”, “clash of civilizations”, “East-West confrontation”... Later on, these terms were filled with more specific content. For example, the term of “new"...

13.03.2014 Vladimir Odintsov

On the background of the upcoming elections in the U.S. Congress in November of this year, we can note a remarkable intensification of the political struggle between the Republicans and Democrats. Criticism of Obama’s policies is growing both ...

13.03.2014 Tony Cartalucci
The sudden shift in Qatar's standings in the Middle East has left much of the world perplexed, suspicious, and skeptical. Others are hopeful that it indicates a fraying in an axis that has been sowing violence and destabilization across much of North Africa...
13.03.2014 Jim Dean

I would like to say I am embarrassed by my country's behavior but I have grown so used to it by now that I have had to numb that emotion. By using that term what I mean is that countries and people are no longer embarrassed by what...

12.03.2014 Petr Lvov

The escalation in the Persian Gulf after the withdrawal of ambassadors of Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain from Doha, just like the ongoing crisis in the GCC, continues. This time around the internal conflict within the GCC ignited the tension among...

12.03.2014 Tony Cartalucci

Blanket denials have been made across the Western media regarding the presence of Neo-Nazis among the ranks of "Euromaidan" mobs that had rioted in Kiev for months before finally executing a coup, ousting the democratically elected government of Ukranian...  

12.03.2014 Eric Draitser

As Crimea prepares to vote on Saturday March 16th in a crucial referendum on its future, the rhetoric coming from the West and its propaganda machine has hit a new and ridiculous low. Not only has US President Barack Obama and his administration done...