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19.03.2014 F. William Engdahl

One of the stories seen these days is that the Ukraine fight is all about capturing her huge reserves of shale gas and oil. Leading Ukrainian government officials, even under the hapless Yanukovich cabinet, have become convinced a Ukrainian...

19.03.2014 Nikolai Bobkin

The current leadership of Israel believes that the main threat to the security of the Jewish state comes from Iran. With the resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue and the cessation of the Islamic Republic's international isolation and unilateral...

18.03.2014 Vladimir Yevseyev

The international community is entering a period of global instability. The unipolar world that emerged after the collapse of the Soviet Union has receded into the past. Obviously, this would have happened a little later, but the U.S. has significantly...

18.03.2014 Jim Dean

The West took a major credibility beating today, one inflicted on itself. This hit is going to be one more chapter of the US and EU foreign policy gang, who can't shoot straight and who believe their own bull manure. Western media had been busy trying to smear...

18.03.2014 Henry Kamens

About 250 years ago the playwright Samuel Foote was presented at an exclusive London gentlemen’s club. His sponsor introduced him with the words, “This is the nephew of the man who was recently hung in chains for murdering his brother.”

18.03.2014 Vladimir Platov

A similar situation with increasing abuses by U.S. military is developing in South Korea. According to official statistics of the South Korean authorities, the number of crimes, committed by the U.S. servicemen since their occupation of...

17.03.2014 Tony Cartalucci

The Western press has been deceiving readers, listeners, and viewers since the beginning of the so-called "Euromaidan" protests - from covering up the ultra-right wing ideology and literal Neo-Nazi flag wavers leading the mobs, to the role the...

17.03.2014 Eric Draitser

With the referendum on Crimean independence and possible reunification with Russia now taking place, the US and its European allies have threatened punitive actions to punish Moscow. These measures include the denial of visas...

17.03.2014 Matthew Crosston

March 16, 2014 marks the day when the people of Crimea go to the voting booths to decide whether they will be part of Ukraine or part of Russia. While the referendum is no doubt important to people living in Crimea, I for one remain highly skeptical that the results will actually be the ultimate arbiter on the territorial decisions made about Crimea. The outside players, namely Ukraine...

17.03.2014 Vladimir Platov

Recently, scattered around the world, the 865 U.S. military bases have become the epicenter of blatant violence, crimes and scandals. According to an investigation by Stringerskim International Bureau of Investigation (SBRM, instead of the declared...

16.03.2014 Konstantin Penzev

Once, the Russian communist leader Vladimir Lenin said: “Every revolution is only worth something if it can defend itself.” This statement is true. The Soviet state founder’s words can be paraphrased as: any person, nation or state is only worth...

15.03.2014 Gordon Duff

Evidence, including intercepted emails from “Anonymous Ukraine” and interviews with US special operations contractors, has led to the discovery of plans to stage a series of terror attacks in the Ukraine to be blamed on Russian Special Forces...