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Political Aspects of the Joint Russian-Chinese Naval Exercise in the Black Sea

The join naval exercise that was held by the Russian and Chinese navies at the end of July has undoubtedly become one of the most important events in the modern international politics. Even though the scale of...

Vladimir Terehov | Politics

Al Qaeda "Mysteriously" Metastasizing in Northwest Syria

The Washington Post in an article titled, "Al-Qaida in Syria snuffs out competition in northwest," clumsily reveals what many following the Syrian conflict have known all along - that the so-called uprising never existed, and that...

Tony Cartalucci | Politics

Can the New Political Low in the UK be Matched by the Moral One

A year on from the Brexit referendum Britain feels like it is in shambles. It's been noted that the extensive and outright visible damage has been done to its domestic politics, as the Conservative Party has been in turmoil for...

Jean Perier | Society
Spotlight: BRICS

St Petersburg Cultural Forum and the development of international humanitarian relations

On September 11-14 the 10th St Petersburg International Cultural Forum took place at the same time Russia is chairing CIS and BRICS. This year the theme of the forum was ‘Culture in the XXI century: sovereignty or globalism?’. The programme…
Ksenia Muratshina | Society

Meeting with BRICS high-ranking officials responsible for security matters: a serious effort in the fight against global threats

Vladimir Putin met with BRICS high-ranking officials responsible for security matters at the Konstantinovsky Palace in St Petersburg. This is the 14th such forum held within the framework of BRICS. The meeting in St Petersburg and the growing role of…
Alexandr Svaranc | Security

Turkey's BRICS Membership Bid

Abbas Hashemite | Politics