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12.05.2014 Viktor Mikhin

The current administration of Barrack Obama, considering itself the new ruler of the world à la Napoleon, in an attempt to subsume the remaining governments under itself, is crossing every conceivable border and acting with completely unfettered audacity....

11.05.2014 Tony Cartalucci

The report would also claim that a "Free Egyptian Army" was being prepared in neighboring Libya along the Libyan-Egyptian border, where the epicenter of heavily armed sectarian extremists from Al Qaeda's Libyan Islamic..

11.05.2014 Jim Dean

“The American peace initiative has ground to a halt. The full truth about it can and must now be told. It was doomed to failure before it even started. There was not the slightest chance of its bearing fruit.” - Uri Avnery,

11.05.2014 Alexander Salitsky

Within the present tense (and, hopefully, temporarily political and ideological fighting in Russia, it would appear that losing sides have already been determined. This situation is completely normal for a recovering society. In my opinion, the...

10.05.2014 Tony Cartalucci

TIME Magazine echos Wall Street and Washington - so when it speaks, readers must listen in that context. Nothing shows the link between TIME's biased, intentionally misleading propaganda and the agenda of the corporate-financier elite that rule America better...

10.05.2014 Matthew Crosston

Oh how fickle and strange ‘revolutions’ can be. Perhaps the Western academic world can be forgiven for its presumptuousness: after all, it has been nearly a generation since the dissolution of the Soviet Union and subsequent march of ‘democratic revolutions’ all over the globe. Well, actually, that is partially true. What has erupted all over the globe has largely been the triumph of democratic language: most regimes, whether they truly resemble...

10.05.2014 Vladimir Terehov

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s European tour set to hit a number of countries along with the EU and NATO headquarters between May 1 and May 9, 2014 is an important stage in the “great maneuvers” currently unfolding as part of the new global game. Shinzo Abe’s...

09.05.2014 Journal NEO

Dear readers and authors! We want to congratulate you with the day of the great victory in World War II, victory over fascism! This victory has become possible due to the joint effort of all members of the international community. In order to...

09.05.2014 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The US  ambitious “pivot” to Asia is not working the way it would have wanted it to. Not only is is facing strong competition and resistance from potential ‘enemy’ states, but its own so-called ‘allies’ have also started to become a source of trouble rather...

09.05.2014 Ulson Gunnar

As if to stroke the egos of those ruling Beijing, the West's financial journals in chorus announced with enthusiasm that China has become the first 'megatrader' since the British Empire. The Wall Street Journal would report that Standard Chartered economists would...

08.05.2014 Matthew Crosston

While China has accepted human security as a new framework to study modern security challenges, it has been very busy trying to show how the implications of human security can be intrusive and even invasive of state sovereignty. Indicative of its confidence in projecting its own power outward across the global community, ‘non-traditional security’ includes not just people and populations but actual state security as well. Thus, China definitively inserts...

08.05.2014 Eric Draitser

In his landmark post-colonial work Culture and Imperialism, the world renowned public intellectual and critical theorist Edward Said wrote, “Just as none of us is outside or beyond geography, none of us is completely free...