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20.05.2014 Tony Cartalucci
"Europe whole and free" and the "reconstruction and enlargement" of Europe. That is how the corporate-funded Atlantic Council - NATO's defacto public relations front and think tank - is describing the...
19.05.2014 Vladimir Odintsov

Throughout centuries the Crimea was traditionally regarded by the Western and Turkish authorities as a key to dominance in the Black Sea basin, additionally it was an effective political instrument for fighting Russia - the chief regional rival. In this rivalry, the...

19.05.2014 Ulson Gunnar

Across the surface of Earth, Russia and America have been engaged in direct and indirect conflict for decades. Above the Earth, however, both have inspired the world and each other through the peaceful scientific exploration of space. Beginning...

19.05.2014 Henry Kamens

As we predicted before this got nasty, when it was just a matter of EU Association agreement vs. Customs Union, the conflict in Ukraine will have only one winner – the USA. Politically there is every reason to believe that the deposed President...

18.05.2014 Janet Phelan

It is said that every act of magnitude taking place in a political realm is generally overdetermined. That would include an act of war. While the wars raging now in the Middle East are largely considered to be either 1 wars against terrorism or alternatively...

18.05.2014 Matthew Crosston

Analyzing President Obama’s foreign policy, or rather, analyzing the intellectual and positional evolution of his global positions is no easy task. It would not be hyperbole to say Obama came into office with the hopes and dreams of millions of Democrats and perhaps even the muted optimism of many moderate Republicans. In other words, hitting everything right on the mark was likely impossible...

18.05.2014 Konstantin Penzev

On May 12, the Russian government held a meeting in Moscow to discuss developing partnerships with countries in the Asia Pacific region. Prime Minister...

17.05.2014 Tony Cartalucci

Reports allege that some 20 members from the armed Neo-Nazi front, Right Sector, attempted to storm the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, in Energodar city, Zaporizhia province. The Voice of Russia reported in an article titled, "Right Sector attempts to seize...

17.05.2014 Henry Kamens

 Despite all the reporting on Ukraine, there is one aspect of the war which, perhaps not surprisingly, has not made it to most media outlets. The democratic West has largely ignored the revelation made by the Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet, in an intercepted phone...

17.05.2014 Viktor Mikhin

According to German reporters, dozens of American special services staff are working with the authorities that illegally took power in Kiev in February of this year...

16.05.2014 Gordon Duff

NATO believes they are setting up a base of operations against Russia in the Ukraine. Saudi Arabia is recruiting jihadists from across Europe, with 5000 to be in Ukraine, armed and trained both in Poland and Ukraine, in a month. However, command of this force falls...

16.05.2014 Tony Cartalucci

The city of Homs has finally been retaken by the Syrian Arab Army. The scenes of devastation left behind by nearly 3 years of fighting are surreal, but residents - who have begun returning in small numbers - vow to rebuild the city. Fighting...