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23.05.2014 Konstantin Penzev

On May 20 Russia's President Vladimir Putin paid an official visit to China. This visit resulted in more than forty contracts and bilateral statements signed, additionally Putin met with the authorities of China, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, President of...

23.05.2014 Ulson Gunnar

Presidential elections in Ukraine are supposedly to be held on May 25, but the unelected regime to preside over them in Kiev faces a nation not just deeply divided, but literally fleeing out from under its self-proclaimed authority. And as Kiev attempts to hold the country...

23.05.2014 Pogos Anastasov

There was a sense of deja vu on 23 April as the Palestinians announced (for the fourth time since 2007 that rival factions Fatah and Hamas had reunited, ending the seven-year split that began in June 2007. The agreement stipulates that a government of national...

22.05.2014 Ulson Gunnar

For Russia, diversifying its markets away from the European Union is of vital importance. Persistent economic decline is effecting demand, while special interests within the EU have become increasing belligerent toward Russia as the supranational...

22.05.2014 Petr Lvov

Washington's dispute with Russia over Ukraine significantly undermines U.S. nonproliferation in the Middle East, which has been a cornerstone of American...

22.05.2014 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The news of Saudi-Israeli alliance should not have come as a surprise to any close observer of inter-state relations and of the manner in which geo-political alliances, overt and covert, are formed. It is a well known fact that when interests of...

21.05.2014 Viktor Titov

During the administration of President Obama, the United States has unleashed, initiated or participated in at least seven major regional conflicts involving American...

21.05.2014 Jim Dean

“Because the United States itself has a long record of supporting terrorists and using terrorist tactics, the slogans of today’s war on terrorism merely makes the United States look hypocritical to the rest of the world.”- Professor William Odom, formerly President Reagan’s...

21.05.2014 Matthew Crosston

The Intelligence Community, regardless of regime type, has famously always tried to co-opt and ultimately adopt advancements and evolutions in technology, especially in terms of media. Newspapers, radio, and television have long been appropriated in order to influence, massage, and outright manipulate messages and events important to the national interest. Often the question...

20.05.2014 Tony Cartalucci

The Royal Thai Army has moved decisively to fill an increasingly dangerous security vacuum in the Southeast Asian country of Thailand after nearly six months of paralysis from the embattled Western-backed proxy regime of convicted criminal, fugitive, billionaire...

20.05.2014 Konstantin Penzev

Russia and China have been actively pursuing rapprochement as of late, doing so in a great many of the areas of primary concern, including the economic, diplomatic, military and political spheres. To begin with the most notable example, I will cite...

20.05.2014 Henry Kamens

On May 21 the Circassian peoples of the North Caucasus will commemorate the 150th anniversary of the end of what is now called the Caucasian War, which had begun back in 1763 and thus lasted 101 years. The fact that...