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The Limelight Defeat of America’s “Assad Must Go” Policy

As the events of war in Syria have emphatically shown, the self-styled Islamic State and the US-supported “moderate” jihadi groups have been defeated, and with it has died down the cornerstone of America’s direct and indirect military...

Salman Rafi Sheikh | Politics

International Law? The Americans Don’t Give A Damn

The United States of America has sunk to a new low in diplomacy and civilized relations between nation states with its demand that Russia close its consular missions in San Francisco, Washington and New York, quickly followed...

Christopher Black | Politics

The Unseen Victims of America’s War Machine

When the war drums begin, the first victim is reason, this is no secret at all. I recently met with a group of Russian war veterans about this issue, how those who fight wars are victims just like the armies of refugees and the dead...

Gordon Duff | Politics
Spotlight: BRICS

Southeast Asian countries at EEF 2024: expanding partnership

The forum turned out to have a very rich programme, gathered participants from many countries friendly to Russia, including Southeast Asia, and once again demonstrated that the turn of the main vector of Russia’s international relations to the East is…
Ksenia Muratshina | Economy

Turkey's BRICS Membership Bid

Türkiye has recently applied for full-fledged membership of the BRICS, according to the Russian media. The BRICS may consider this application to be a positive development. Türkiye holds 17th place in the global economy. Ankara is a significant player in…
Abbas Hashemite | Economy

BRICS and Security Cooperation

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov | Economy