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26.08.2014 Jim Dean

I must admit I was surprised at how quickly the sanctions blowback is developing in the EU. In fact, I see the possibility of it going to flamethrower level soon. Despite the EU's plans to assist those businesses affected, hardworking, struggling workers will still...

26.08.2014 Seth Ferris

There have been predictable howls of outrage at the beheading of 40-year old journalist James Foley in Syria in retaliation for US air support to those fighting ISIS in Iraq. It is of course right to be angry...

25.08.2014 Gordon Duff

The war of words between the US and Russia has been fueled, if not orchestrated by media that has gone beyond “slanting” or even censoring the news. Newspapers, in this case the UK Daily Mail, are full-fledged combatants. If a broader conflict ensues, and this seems...

25.08.2014 Tony Cartalucci

After months of denying the new regime in Kiev installed in the wake of the so-called "Euromaidan" had any significant ties to Nazism and regiments of Neo-Nazi militants found fighting in eastern Ukraine, the BBC in an article titled, "Ukraine crisis: Russian aid...

25.08.2014 Vladimir Platov

Very disturbing information has emerged recently in several foreign news outlets: the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa is threatening to destroy the centuries-old olive trees in Italy. According to The Daily Mail newspaper...

24.08.2014 Konrad Stachnio

"I am dying to find a way to invest in both North Korea and Myanmar. Major changes in these two countries are among the most exciting things I see right now”. Says Rogers in his book; Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets. One would find these...

24.08.2014 Christof Lehmann

NATO will hold its 2014 summit in Wales under Secretary-General Anders Fogh-Rasmussen in September. The summit will be held against the backdrop of a widening Middle East war and the war in Ukraine...

23.08.2014 Ulson Gunnar

While the impact of sanctions leveled against Russia is being debated, one fact is perfectly clear; the dangerous interdependence cultivated by the concept of "globalization" leaves nations vulnerable amid a global...

23.08.2014 F. William Engdahl

Turkey’s Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is nothing if not a political survivor. After weathering a US led year-long attempt to oust him for his failure to execute a Turkish military ground war to topple Bashar al Assad in neighboring Syria...

22.08.2014 Seth Ferris

As most EU and NATO watchers know, the next NATO summit will take place in Cardiff, UK, on the 4th and 5th of September. This event is described on the British government’s website as “the largest gathering of international leaders ever to take...

22.08.2014 Matthew Crosston

Less than two weeks ago President Obama, sitting for an interview with The Economist magazine, basically went ‘old school’ on President Putin, dismissing his Presidency, his country, and the future of both. While his words were certainly...

22.08.2014 Stanislav Ivanov

Up until recently remaining neutral to the civil wars in Syria and Iraq, the Kurds, amidst the devastating offensive of the radical group "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" (ISIS, have found themselves in the firing line and thus have had to take up arms to fight back...