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30.08.2014 Gordon Duff

The Iron Dome missile defense system has failed. No Hamas rockets are being intercepted, Iron Dome launchers are empty. The Israeli National News reported today that at least 40 rockets left Gaza today. After 46  days of bombing hospitals...

30.08.2014 Salman Rafi Sheikh

One of the most conspicuous facts of the twenty-first century is complete failure of the globe’s “sole” super power in achieving any of its major foreign policy objectives. Perhaps, one of the major reasons for this failure...

29.08.2014 Caleb Maupin

While the US government still claims it is fighting a "War on Terror", it is often forgotten that the US government has a friendly relationship with many terrorist groups around the world. This relationship is not merely historical, but current...

29.08.2014 F. William Engdahl

Most are unaware of the drama unfolding behind the imminent threat of (yet another Argentina deb default. Far from another tale of a corrupt developing country not able to meet its foreign debt obligations as the world saw during the 1980’s and late 1990’s, the real drama...

29.08.2014 Natalia Rogozhina

There's little doubt that today the United States is one of the most active "fighters" for human rights all across the world. In its quest the US applies various means of putting pressure on the unwanted government, starting with the use of military force and ending...

28.08.2014 Tony Cartalucci

The US has claimed it will begin reconnaissance flights over Syria - a tentative first step toward direct military intervention it has sought in attempts to overthrow the Syrian government since 2011. While the US is using the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS...

28.08.2014 Steven MacMillan

The announcement by Barack Obama on July 31st to appoint John F. Tefft as the new U.S. ambassador to Russia is a warning to the Russian government of the intensions of western foreign policy planners...

28.08.2014 Konstantin Asmolov

On October 18, 2013, in her opening speech at the International Conference on Cooperation in Eurasia, South Korean President, Park Geun-hye, proposed the so-called “Eurasian initiative.” Such is an ambitious plan that would see a change in the fundamentals of the global economy, diplomacy...

27.08.2014 Vitaly Naumkin

Iraq has become yet another burning trouble spot in the Middle East that weighs on everyone and is a threat to both regional and global security. Today in Iraq a number of different axes of confrontation meet, those axes that can easily be...

27.08.2014 Christof Lehmann

The wars in Ukraine, Syria and Iraq are 4th generation wars. These wars are not waged by governments but by rogue networks who in part enter symbiotic relationships and in part cannibalize on one another. Besides being a threat against...

27.08.2014 Viktor Mikhin

A major change of all the senior officials of Iraq - the president, prime minister and the speaker of parliament sparked controversy among the experts on the Middle East around the globe. There's a number of questions that are to be answered - who benefits from...

26.08.2014 Yuri Simonyan

On Monday, August 25 the Central Electoral Commission of Abkhazia announced the results of the pre-term presidential election held on the previous day. The former head of the KGB of the Republic Raul Khadjimba has won the election...