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12.09.2014 Viktor Titov

In a situation when the Houthis are de- laying the official announ- cement of their position on the settlement plan that was put forward by the Crisis Regulation Committee appointed by Yemen's PresidentYemeni Prime Minister Mohammed Basindawa accused...

11.09.2014 Petr Lvov

The failed US politics in the Ukraine who, under the threat of having its army destroyed and with an economy on the verge of collapse, was forced to negotiate a ceasefire with Novorussia, made Washington to...

11.09.2014 Tony Cartalucci

The Washington Times in an article titled, "Intel believes 300 Americans fighting with Islamic State, posing threat to U.S.," makes the incredible claim that: The U.S. government is tracking and gathering intelligence on as many...

11.09.2014 Gordon Duff

A mysterious article was published in the New York Daily News today. On the surface, it made no sense, a short article about a claimed nuclear threat against the World Trade Center, term a “heartless prank” by the paper, owed by...

11.09.2014 Alexander Orlov

In spite of the fact that on the 2 September this year the Crisis Regulation Committee, set up by the President of the YR in connection with the activities of the Houthis, put forward a plan for solving the problems...

10.09.2014 Jim Dean

It looks like I am never going to run out of material on the decrepit state of Western leadership. A ceasefire was finally announced today between all the Ukrainian combatants. How long it will last is anyone’s guess, but the plans include bringing in the OSCE monitors quickly...

10.09.2014 Christof Lehmann

July 17, 2014. A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 on flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur plunged out of the sky in eastern Ukraine. The crash resulted in the death of all 298 passengers and crew. Malaysian Premier Najib Razak lashed...

10.09.2014 Yuri Simonyan

Earlier this week, Georgia's Facebook page exploded with reports of the arrest of former President Mikheil Saakashvili on a Greek island, either Santorini or Kos. The revelation coincided with an announcement by the Greek Chief Prosecutor's Office...

09.09.2014 F. William Engdahl

Two years ago the government of the Peoples’ Republic of China staked a major hope for their energy future on the exploitation of domestic natural gas from its large shale rock formations, so-called shale gas. Today, after hundreds of millions of dollars investment...

09.09.2014 Matthew Crosston

The surrealism of the Ukrainian conflict continued last week, with the 28 members of the NATO alliance meeting in a cozy golf resort in Wales, United Kingdom, to discuss all of the supposedly egregious and disconcerting Russian maneuvers against...

09.09.2014 Natalya Zamarayeva

According to an Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR release of the Pakistan Federal Army, “A political crisis should be resolved politically.” This decision was announced after the monthly meeting of the corps commanders. The corps...

08.09.2014 Gordon Duff

In the 1954 novel, "The Mouse that Roared" a "fictitious" small east European country captured an American atomic bomb called the Q Bomb and use it to blackmail the US, just like in Tom Clancy's novel, "The Sum Of All Fears". Fact or fiction you decide. Most of modern...