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Search result for the query: international tribunal

Lee Geun

Lee Geun gets a suspended sentence

On August 17, 2023, South Korean YouTuber and former Navy SEAL Lee Geun, 39, accused of illegally entering Ukraine in 2022 “to fight the Russian invasion,” was sentenced to a 1.5- year suspended term. This popular video blogger once gave rise to rumors that “South Korean special forces are fighting in Ukraine,” which prompted this author to clarify that the rumor was about a star of tacticool videos on YouTube, who had a group of cameramen and makeup artists accompany him as he went to war. Lee Geun spent three months in Ukraine before returning home with a knee injury on May 27, 2022. On June 10, 2022, he voluntarily appeared

Konstantin Asmolov

Russia is going to open a consulate in North Nicosia

According to mass media reports confirmed by the Russian Embassy in Cyprus, Moscow has declared plans to open a consulate in North Nicosia, the capital of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), to defend Russian Federation residents’ civil rights and freedoms. Other than Turkey, no one recognizes Northern Cyprus. According to the Russian Ambassador to the Republic of Cyprus Murat Zyazikov, the decision is justified by the TRNC’s growing Russian community, whose civil interests must be preserved and ensured, for example, in order to satisfy their election rights, as Russia’s presidential elections are set for 2024. At the same time, it is noted that the number…

Alexandr Svaranc
L’Inde et le Japon forment-ils la « Nouvelle alliance asiatique »?

India and Japan - a New Asian Alliance?

The phrase “New Asian Alliance” in the headline is not the invention of the present author, but comes from an article by an Indian expert who, to judge by his academic career, has studied the changed strategic relations between China, India and Japan in great detail. And any changes in the strategic relations within this particular triangle of nations will have a considerable impact on the future of the entire Indo-Pacific region. And in the current stage of the Big World Game the focus is shifting towards precisely that region. Although the US, as the leading world power, is still making its presence…

Vladimir Terehov