USA in the World
02.03.2014 Seth Ferris

I just realized that I am a conservative, a true conservative, each time there is a revolution somewhere in the world, I am critical of it and plainly against it. Seth Ferris is an American conservative...

28.02.2014 Henry Kamens

What name can we give to this spring’s uprising in Ukraine? We can always expect a diversion when the US is in a hole domestically, and Ukraine and the compliant media have provided that. That has been pretty much the story of US foreign policy under...

26.02.2014 Janet Phelan

In remarks at a hearing held this past week by the US House Committee on Homeland Security's Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response and Communications, Dr. Robert Kadlec warned of the imminent nature of a biological weapons attack...

24.02.2014 Gordon Duff

You won’t read about it anywhere. We could say the problem, and that term is an understatement, was caused by many factors. This is not the truth. We know who caused it, we know why. Insiders call it an “apocalypse.” It is the utter and absolute collapse...

22.02.2014 Konstantin Penzev

The U.S. administration is actively cooperating with international terrorism. You may doubt this fact as much as you like, but the body of evidence in favor of this statement is enormous. Usually the ruling class of the United States declares its preferences to form its own...

19.02.2014 Konstantin Penzev

What do the terrorists want to achieve by means of violence and lawlessness? According to the online encyclopaedia Circumnavigation (Krugosvet, the terrorists are striving to achieve desired developments, i.e., revolutions...

17.02.2014 Konstantin Penzev

The question of “Who is the main fighter against international terrorism?” may seem naive to a person who believes that President Obama tells the truth in his speeches. Judging by the declarations, regularly thrown out by the Washington Administration from...

15.02.2014 Viktor Mikhin

On January 4 on YouTube, there was uploaded an audio recording of a confidential telephone conversation between U.S. Assistant Secretary – Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine – Jeffrey Payette. Offended by the indecision of European Union...

12.02.2014 Vladimir Odintsov
The February 5th discussion in Congress of the issue of the United States’ Asia policy came as a clear confirmation of the course taken by Washington influence by hawks: transitioning from the balanced approach of the past to solving territorial disputes in the Pacific Rim to a tougher stance...
10.02.2014 Eric Draitser

The recently released recording of US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland conspiring with the US Ambassador to Ukraine to manufacture a new government in that country has revealed how the US directly meddles in the affairs of sovereign nations...

06.02.2014 Seth Ferris

Most Americans don’t look up unless the “Goodyear Blimp” is hovering overhead, storm clouds are gathering on the horizon or an actor says on the radio that the Martians have landed. Until the current conflicts in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen broke out, and the so-called...

05.02.2014 Janet Phelan

Most wars are fought in public, amidst much fanfare and invocations of national pride, intended to rally the support of citizens and other sovereign states. Debates, stirring speeches, and then the trumpet call signifying battle all are hallmarks of public wars.