USA in the World
19.07.2024 Vladimir Mashin

The attempt to assassinate Donald Trump on July 13 divided the US even more. This ties into a broader tendency that is being seen in the entire Western world: politicians going against the mainstream, i.e. Western states using any possible means to try to preserve their fading dominance, are not only being slandered, but also face attempts to physically remove them.

18.07.2024 Leonid Gladchenko

Experts from the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), have conducted an analysis of geopolitical, military and technological trends in global security, and prepared a final report, identifying the overall shape of the emerging world order and analyzing the dynamics of the processes under way in order to develop recommendations on the formation of “the most effective pathways for US engagement” in this new order.

13.07.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Many commentators, including from the United States, reacted negatively to the debate between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump with a mixture of disapproval and disappointment. Biden and Trump took part in the debate, organised by CNN at the headquarters of the channel in Atlanta, without an audience in the studio and in a format where microphones were turned off when the candidates exceeded the speaking time or interrupted each other.

03.07.2024 Viktor Mikhin

The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing entitled “Conflict and Humanitarian Emergency in Sudan: A Call to Action,” which was attended by U.S. Special Envoy for Sudan Tom Perriello. He began his remarks with a pharisaical expression of regret for the catastrophic situation in Sudan, warning of famine, ongoing ethnic and regional fighting, and the potential collapse of a nation of 50 million people…

24.06.2024 Veniamin Popov

For decades, the US government has supported wars, insurgencies, covert operations and the overthrow of unfriendly governments abroad. Today, pundits are wondering whether the era of the “American Century” has come to an end. Many Americans are now turning to Civil War narratives for information as concerns grow about potential civil unrest…

18.06.2024 Brian Berletic

In a recent article, Reuters confirms what many knew for years, that the United States government and its various departments and agencies have been conducting global disinformation campaigns targeting nations it seeks to undermine, and whose governments it seeks to overthrow…

18.06.2024 Vladimir Mashin

On 30 May, a jury in New York found former US President Donald Trump guilty of all 34 counts in a criminal case of falsification of documents in the payment of porn star Stormy Daniels. Trump thus became the first convicted US president in American history…

13.06.2024 Vladimir Mashin

Donald Trump consistently scolds Joe Biden, and the latter practically responds in the same way – both sides do not shy away from the rudeness in their expressions. The essence of the campaign was recently described by the Washington Post newspaper, noting that “the ability of our leaders to translate the will of the people into a reasonable policy looks shaky”. Ordinary Americans do not trust the government: “Congress is historically unpopular, with more than 80% of voters disapproving of its work; for the first time in decades of polling, Americans hold more negative views of the Supreme Court and opinion polls regularly report general dissatisfaction with the choice of president”.

12.06.2024 Simon Westwood

The United States (U.S.) foreign policy is a worthy sub-field of International Relations and Political Science. If one looks closely at the U.S. foreign policy, then it will be visible that it has certain traditions, which time and again dominate and overshadow the entire decision-making process. In this regard, there is an important tradition in the U.S. foreign policy called the American Exceptionalism…

16.05.2024 Abbas Hashemite

The United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany are considered among the staunchest supporters and accomplices in Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Since October 7, 2023, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has committed numerous war crimes in the occupied territory. More than 34500 Palestinians have been killed in the persistent Israel-Hamas war…

15.05.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

In the first week of May 2024, The US had to demonstrate to its chauvinistic allies that it can still lead them in running an apartheid global system where its camp operate above international law, while treating the rest as second-rate citizens. By April 30th and May 1st 2024, massive college protests spread across the US, where students demanded an end to Israeli genocide against Gaza (here, here and here), while…

14.05.2024 Veniamin Popov

A series of reports by the RAND Corporation, America’s largest think tank, commissioned by the Pentagon, are expected to be released on 30 April. An American newspaper obtained a copy of the document and gave a summary of its contents. The essence of the RAND Corporation study is that the US is approaching a decline from which few major powers have ever recovered…