Ukraine in the world
17.03.2014 Tony Cartalucci

The Western press has been deceiving readers, listeners, and viewers since the beginning of the so-called "Euromaidan" protests - from covering up the ultra-right wing ideology and literal Neo-Nazi flag wavers leading the mobs, to the role the...

15.03.2014 Gordon Duff

Evidence, including intercepted emails from “Anonymous Ukraine” and interviews with US special operations contractors, has led to the discovery of plans to stage a series of terror attacks in the Ukraine to be blamed on Russian Special Forces...

13.03.2014 Jim Dean

I would like to say I am embarrassed by my country's behavior but I have grown so used to it by now that I have had to numb that emotion. By using that term what I mean is that countries and people are no longer embarrassed by what...

12.03.2014 Tony Cartalucci

Blanket denials have been made across the Western media regarding the presence of Neo-Nazis among the ranks of "Euromaidan" mobs that had rioted in Kiev for months before finally executing a coup, ousting the democratically elected government of Ukranian...  

10.03.2014 Gordon Duff

In January, 2014, Major General Paul Vallely, retired from the US Army 21 years ago, met with leaders of Al Qaeda, while in Syria. His “cover” was that of “military analyst” for Fox News, the “tabloidesque” propaganda arm of what can only be called the New World Order.

08.03.2014 Matthew Crosston

The events transpiring in the aftermath of the ‘EuroMaidan’ Revolution in Kiev are clearly multi-faceted and complex. What is clearly not helping matters, however, is a pervasive duplicity reflected in each of the three main sides’ behavior. The idea of duplicity being an integral part of any conflict and even a fundamentally basic aspect of foreign policy is not a new or radical idea. What...

07.03.2014 Tony Cartalucci

Like the West's support of sectarian terrorists across the Middle East, including Al Qaeda, it has found the most despicable elements in Ukrainian society to lead "revolution" for the sociopolitical reordering of Eastern Europe...

07.03.2014 Henry Kamens

A recent article in a Jewish online publication had a rather revealing subheading: “Jews in Kiev say the protests were about democracy; others in Odessa believe the Maidan was full of Nazis. Now what?” The Russian Foreign Ministry, which...

05.03.2014 Martin Harris

The Federation Council of the Russian Parliament unanimously approved on March 1 the use of the Russian armed forces in stabilizing the rapidly deteriorating political situation in Ukraine. The decision was made after Russian President Vladimir Putin...

02.03.2014 Stanislav Ivanov

Analyzing the tragic events of the “Arab Spring” of 2011-2014 in the Middle East, some experts and political analysts suggest that these large-scale outbreaks of violence cannot be limited to specific timeframes or a change of the ruling elites in some countries in the region...

27.02.2014 Seth Ferris

Mission Accomplished, but this time the battle is only just beginning. The removal of the Yanukovych government in Ukraine and the running street battles in Kiev have provided a convenient distraction to the debacle in Syria and America’s continuing inability to get its actions...

23.02.2014 Martin Harris

In a bid to defuse an increasingly divisive political crisis, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has agreed to hold early presidential elections and enact changes to the country’s constitution. The decision was reached after high-level talks involving opposition...