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Suicide Bombing in Pakistan is Part of US Proxy War with China

A sucide bomber killed four in southern Pakistan including 3 Chinese teachers and their Pakistani driver on Apirl 26. AP would report in its article, “Suicide blast in southern Pakistan kills 3 Chinese, driver,” that: The Baluchistan Liberation Army, a militant group in nearby Baluchistan province, has targeted Chinese nationals...

Brian Berletic

What the Ousting of Pakistan’s Prime Minister Really Means

It would seem that with the passing of a vote of no confidence in Prime Minister Imran Khan by the lower house of Pakistan’s parliament on April 9 this year and the subsequent election of Shehbaz Sharif to the post, the acute political crisis of the previous two weeks, dubbed the “constitutional” crisis, could have been safely resolved. However, it makes sense to refrain...

Vladimir Terehov

The Nasty Truth About America's War on Pakistan's Free Government

A series of strange facts came together in early April, stunning Washington insiders but totally censored by the press and White House. Arrests of two foreign nationals were made for penetrating the Secret Service details used to protect President Biden, his wife Jill and Vice President Harris.  Agents were "put on leave." There are...

Gordon Duff