19.07.2024 Abbas Hashemite

Pakistan’s political culture has never been truly democratic since the country’s inception. Democracy has been derailed numerous times by the state’s establishment of the country since its creation. The non-democratic forces controlling the Pakistani state have been using different politicians and political parties to achieve their ambitions. Allegedly, the incumbent Pakistani government is also supported by the deep state.

27.06.2024 Taut Bataut

Pakistan’s Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment’s recent report reveals that the country observed an unprecedented increase in migration in the last two years. Pakistan is facing difficulties in multiple sectors due to this brain drain. The key reason behind this high level of migration is Pakistan’s economic and political instability. The country needs to take significant measures to stop this loss of skillful youth…

24.06.2024 Vladimir Terehov

The overall features of the political situation in South Asia are determined mainly by the state of relations between three states – India, Pakistan, and China, and there have been a number of remarkable developments in these relations since the beginning of this year. The next round of general elections to the lower house…

31.05.2024 Aleena Im

Recently, an international investigative journalism report, aptly titled “Dubai Unlocked,” has revealed that some infamous and influential people hold real estate worth around $400 billion in Dubai. This investigative report has exposed the details of properties owned by some members of the global elite, including money launderers, famous politicians, criminals, and sanctioned individuals…

10.05.2024 Vladimir Terehov
Newly elected Pakistani PM,Shahbaz Sharif

It should be recalled that Pakistan held general elections on 8 February this year, the official results of which were announced a month later. As none of the country’s three main political forces won the necessary majority in parliament, two of them, the Pakistan Muslim League (N) and the Pakistan People’s Party, formed a very tentative coalition to create the institutions of power. The leaders of these parties shared the posts of prime minister and president. The former was filled by Shehbaz Sharif after a six-month resignation, while Asif Ali Zardari, who had held the post from 2008 to 2013, became President…

23.04.2024 Taut Bataut

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Pakistan reached a staff-level agreement in March 2024 for the release of the remaining $1.1 billion out of the total $3 billion bailout package. The 9-month bailout package was sought by the Pakistani government last year to avert the sovereign debt. The country has been dependent on IMF loans for decades to fuel its staggering economy. This was Pakistan’s 24th engagement with the Washington-based lender…

21.03.2024 Vladimir Terehov

The results of the general elections held on 8 February for the lower house of the central parliament (“National Assembly”) and the assemblies of the country’s four major administrative units – Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and Sindh – have been officially announced in Pakistan. As none of the political organisations that contested the elections won a convincing majority in the new central parliament, a ruling coalition has been formed between two parties…

20.02.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Voting in Pakistan’s much-anticipated general election on 8 February began at 8 a.m., but in the meantime, mobile networks were shut down across the country for more than 26 hours. Pakistanis are not used to network blackouts. There is often no connectivity during bank holidays parades, Muslim Eid and Ashura, protests criticising the ruling establishment and political rallies. Last year alone, mobile networks were down for four days after protests erupted when former Prime Minister Imran Khan was arrested outside the Islamabad High Court despite…

17.02.2024 Vladimir Terehov

So, contrary to the scepticism of some Pakistani experts, shared by the author of this article, general elections to the lower house of the central parliament (the “National Assembly”) as well as to four provincial parliaments were held in this country. Moreover, on 8 February this year, the date “finally fixed” (after a number of postponements). It should be noted that this scepticism was also based on the fact of initiating…

14.02.2024 Taut Bataut

General elections were conducted in Pakistan on February 8, 2024. People and analysts around the world were seeing the elections with skepticism due to the alleged role of non-democratic forces in these elections. Leaders of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) were incarcerated before the elections due to the charges of vandalism that the party workers committed on 9th May 2023. This resulted in shifting the tilt of the country’s establishment in favor of Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N)…

09.02.2024 Abbas Hashemite

Since the country’s inception, democracy in Pakistan has been facing numerous obstacles. The main reason behind the failure of the democratic system is the political ambitions of the country’s leading political elite. Ironically, none of the incumbent top political leaders of Pakistan hold a purely democratic history. The leaders of the top three political parties have been conspiring with the non-democratic forces in the country to gain power. The forefathers of the country chose democracy as the best suitable form of government for Pakistan, given its ethnic and religious diversity…

20.01.2024 Vladimir Terehov

The year 2024 will be marked by national electoral processes in dozens of countries. The outcome of each election will contribute to the transformation of the world order in one way or another. In this context, associations naturally arise with the upcoming presidential and congressional elections in the United States this fall, as it is the leading world power. However, in these troubled times, it is appropriate to say the sacramental “we must live to see it”. In the coming days, weeks, and months, we should closely observe the preparation, course, and outcome of elections in several countries…