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MTC between India and Russia: A Stable Development Against the Backdrop of New Threats

There has been global confrontation between the US and China for many years. Against this background, the regional confrontation between China and India continues. The two mighty neighboring Asian powers have long been competitors, having territorial issues and vying for influence in neighboring states. Fortunately, the struggle...

Dmitry Bokarev

Growing Russia-India Cooperation Strengthens Global Stability

With its sanctions intrigues and the desire to demonstrate a servile adherence only to the United States, Europe is increasingly becoming a global strategic periphery. Asia, on the contrary, is moving forward in terms of the global significance of the events taking place there. Against this background, the strategies of Russia and India...

Vladimir Platov

Russian-Indian Relations amid the “Radical Transformation of the World Order”

The visit of the Russian President Vladimir Putin to India scheduled for December 6, is poised to become a significant event which will undoubtedly have a serious impact not only on the development of the bilateral relations, but also on the ongoing “radical transformation of the world order.” Such an assessment of the upcoming trip...

Vladimir Terehov