09.06.2021 Viktor Mikhin

Yemen is currently experiencing an externally imposed civil war and is facing starvation, poverty, various disasters, and the dreaded COVID-19 epidemic. For years, the Saudi-led coalition, with strong US support, has been waging war against Yemen to impose its policies and bring its proxies to power. As the world’s media have repeatedly reported, airstrikes have primarily...

16.02.2021 Viktor Mikhin

US President Joe Biden has lifted a series of sanctions against the Yemen Ansar Allah (Houthis movement, which was listed as a terrorist organization by the former Donald Trump administration.   The US Treasury recalled that former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on January 11 that the Houthis had been designated as a terrorist organization and that the three leaders...

03.02.2021 Catherine Shakdam

As of March 25th 2021 Yemen will have been at war for six full years, caught in the grip of a conflict which has proven as cruel as it has been relentless in its disappearing of Yemen’s socio-political fabric and its once burgeoning democratic tradition. If Yemen’s conflict screams of covert colonialism and a desire to control one of Arabia...

30.01.2021 Valery Kulikov

Although the legacy of foreign policy has not been easy for Biden, there is no doubt that the problems of the Middle East, one way or another, will remain at the top of his agenda, and there’s many reasons for that. First of all, it is a very strategically advantageous region for manipulating the whole world through energy prices...

08.12.2020 Valery Kulikov

On November 30, both sides of the Yemeni front line marked the 53rd anniversary of the end of British occupation and Yemen's complete independence from Britain. However, it should be noted that true sovereignty of the Yemenis is not the reality of this African country. The poorest people in the Middle East continue to suffer from foreign interference...

25.11.2020 Viktor Mikhin

According to media reports, Saudi Arabia told the Yemeni Houthis in behind-the-scenes, high-level talks that it would sign a UN proposal for a nationwide ceasefire if the group, which has ties to Iran, agrees to a buffer zone set up along the kingdom's borders. If this deal is struck, it would mark the biggest breakthrough in efforts to achieve a political settlement since...

05.07.2020 Viktor Mikhin

Global opinion and leaders in many countries have reacted angrily to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ decision to remove the Saudi Arabian military coalition in Yemen from a list of groups violating children's rights. Antonio  Guterres has taken this step only a few years after the coalition was first named and shamed for killing and injuring children in Yemen. Antonio Guterres said the coalition would...

18.05.2020 Viktor Mikhin

The coronavirus pandemic has not cooled the drive of some governments to intensify further the civil war flames in Yemen, and prolong even further the tragedy of Yemen’s people. Out of their selfish and strategic interests, leaders of such countries as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE, and the USA, continue their blatant interference...

13.04.2020 Viktor Mikhin

Egregious news has come from Yemen, already devastated by the civil war stoked by Riyadh. Information Minister Daifullah al-Shami of the Houthi-run government has said that the Royal Saudi Air Forces had been ordered to begin airdropping surgical masks infected with the Covid-19 coronavirus over Shiite areas. The Houthi official was commenting on reports...

06.04.2020 Valery Kulikov

Five years ago, Saudi Arabia, under the pretext of coming to the aid of a legitimate Yemen government led by President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi at the time, spearheaded a coalition consisting of 10 Arabic nations that began Operation Decisive Storm against the majority-Zaidi Shia Houthi movement (or Ansar Allah, the Arabic for “Helpers/Supporters of God” in Yemen...

02.03.2020 Seth Ferris

Say you ran a country famous for human rights abuses. It would be difficult for other countries to deal with you without facing so many awkward questions, so many so, they might decide it wasn't worth it. Even your old allies, who would otherwise defend you on principle through “thick and thin,” might start contemplating that it was in their own best interests to side with...

29.12.2019 Catherine Shakdam

Earlier this month, Human Rights Watch called on the United States government to extend and redesignate Temporary Protected Status (TPS for Yemen, which expires on March 3, 2020, so that those Yemenis who found themselves stranded in the US when the war broke out in late March 2015 would not...