01.02.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Although Turkish Parliament Speaker Numan Kurtulmuş recently criticized the lack of cohesion and disorganization in the Islamic world regarding the struggle of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, there is still significant activity in the Middle East by pro-Iranian forces against Israel. The Houthis in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon are among the groups at the forefront of the pro-Palestinian movement. They have been carrying out attacks on Israel and its allies in the region, which is creating a new reality in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Since November 2023, the Houthi militia…

22.01.2024 Viktor Mikhin

On the morning of January 12, 2024, in a move that reeks of terrorism and the tactics adopted by DAESH (banned in Russia), the United States and Britain, arbitrarily and unilaterally launched a series of attacks on the Houthi movement in Yemen. Explosions were reported in Yemen’s capital, Sana’a, the port of Al Hudaydah and the city of Dhamar. The Pentagon, in justification, insists that there were no losses to Air Force personnel, and that the strikes have been paused, but that it “reserves the right to respond” It did not say who or what it would respond to. The targets, according to the brave warriors…

23.09.2023 Viktor Mikhin

Current events in Yemen are a stark reminder of the explosive fragility of the truce between the government and the Houthi rebels. Although the truce has been unofficially maintained since April 2022, it is on shaky ground as neither the government nor the Houthis have yet been able to fulfill commitments made to the UN last year.Violence is escalating without any discernible progress toward a ceasefire or political solution, and at the same time the economy is collapsing and the humanitarian crisis is deepening. The unofficial truce has not translated into a formal ceasefire…

07.12.2022 Viktor Mikhin

As US officials travel the world lecturing everyone on human rights, that same world has accused Washington of being the number one human rights violator. Saudi Arabia’s war against Yemen, instigated and widely supported by the West and the United States in particular, is a prime example of this. On March 25, 2015, the then Saudi Arabian Ambassador...

05.10.2022 Valery Kulikov

The ongoing seven-year war in Yemen remains an important element of the wider Middle East conflict. Following the end of a Yemeni truce on October 2, Mohammed Abdessalam of the Ansar Allah group ruling in the North, who is head of the Houthis delegation in talks with the government, said the parties to the conflict in the country...

25.08.2022 Phil Butler

May I just spit it out? We are the terrorists. Americans are the terrorists creating tremendous suffering and tragedy around the world. And no, I am not the only one admitting to this. Deep down, all of my fellow citizens know what we are up to. A recent incident in Yemen drives home the hegemony my country has created, having looted, and still looting...

21.07.2022 Viktor Mikhin

Several months of truce in Yemen have significantly reduced the number of civilian casualties. Yet, people are still dying from mines, but this figure has decreased by two-thirds compared to previous months. Since 2015, Yemen has been divided between government forces backed by a Saudi-led military coalition and the Houthi rebel group, also known as “Ansar Allah...

02.05.2022 Viktor Mikhin

Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi has resigned and handed over power to a new body, the President’s Leadership Council (PLC).   He sacked his vice-president Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar in a sudden development believed to have been prompted by new US and Saudi tricks. According to media reports, the kingdom “rewarded” the move by promising...

12.04.2022 Viktor Mikhin

According to the Al Masirah news network, on the morning of April 4, the Saudi coalition Air Force, whose actions are actively supported by the United States, attacked the city of Hayes in northwestern Yemen and also launched a missile strike on areas in the province of Al-Hudaydah. Saudi coalition fighters flew 27 times in the airspace of Marib, Hajjah, Saada...

04.04.2022 Viktor Mikhin

Situated on the distant east coast of the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen and our neighboring Ukraine share a common fate. Both countries, at the will of the West, have become embroiled in conflicts desired by Western rulers. Instigation of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi rulers against Russia by the West, above all the United States’ “empire of lies and terror”, as the facts...

10.02.2022 Catherine Shakdam

Saudi Arabia’s determination to lay waste to Yemen has reached new heights over the past few weeks, adding to an already deplorable litany of war crimes. Faced with the possibility of a new war front, in that the Houthis directed their ire directly at the United Arab Emirates after Riyadh called on their help to precipitate...

27.01.2022 Catherine Shakdam

If Yemen remains an indecipherable puzzle for even the most astute of analysts, the Houthis’ decision of late to bring fire and brimstones to the UAE - a player who so far averted the ire of the movement by limiting its meddling to the southern part of the country, a region the Houthis have long decided to abandon to better consolidate their hold...