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Peculiarities of the Turkish-Chinese economic cooperation

Today, almost every country in the world considers China to be an important foreign economic partner. And it’s only natural, given China’s level of scientific, technological, and industrial breakthrough at the turn of the century. In this regard, Turkish-Chinese foreign economic relations are understandable and consistent with Beijing’s target aspirations as part of the “One Belt…

Alexandr Svaranc
Газовый хаб

Russian gas hub in Turkey, a profitable reality

Given the high dependence of today’s energy-intensive economy on gas supplies, it can be argued that any proposals to optimize the transit and sale of the blue fuel are of high interest in world markets. Before the aggravation of Russian-Ukrainian relations, the European Union was the main buyer of Russian gas, with export volumes reaching as high as 174.3 billion cubic meters…

Alexandr Svaranc
visit to Moscow

Bashar al-Assad’s visit to Moscow and the changing face of the Middle East

Today, it is becoming increasingly clear to everyone that the very effective diplomacy of Moscow and Beijing is radically changing the face of the Middle East. In particular, the unexpected breakthrough in Syrian-Turkish relations after Moscow’s proposal last December to Ankara and Damascus to resume dialogue and return to…

Valery Kulikov