12.04.2013 Vladimir Platov
The increased foreign intervention in Syria’s internal conflict suggests that the anti-Assad coalition is preparing for the end of the “battle for Syria.” In northern Jordan, a training camp with mockups of typical Syrian towns and an airport has been…
27.03.2013 Редактор проекта
Arab scholarly circles have become much more interested in the future of political Islam and the role it plays in current events since the Arab Spring began. That is evident from the growing number of forums and meetings and the…
22.03.2013 Vladimir Shmakov
With US President Barack Obama’s visit to the region in the background, the Syrian opposition using an accusation that Damascus has employed chemical weapons to provoke United States to intervene militarily in the Syrian conflict. The opposition knows full well…
21.03.2013 Konstantin Penzev
These are the facts. A chemical weapon was used the morning of March 19 near the town of Khan al-Asal in the Syrian province of Aleppo. Reuters cited an eyewitness who had entered the impact zone as saying that 26…
19.03.2013 Stanislav Ivanov
Syria’s civil war, which has turned its cities into ruins and taken the lives of more than 70,000 people, is becoming more regional and international in nature. Foreign forces are increasingly becoming involved in the struggle for power between, on one…
17.03.2013 Konstantin Penzev
Before we continue our conversation about the links between Islamist extremists and Western government agencies, let us briefly review a few conclusions from previous articles about what came out of the Arab spring. First of all, it is no secret…
10.03.2013 Konstantin Penzev
The world is woven of contradictions. That is particularly evident in world politics. For example, the United States is periodically attacked by global terrorism and accordingly expresses its steadfast commitment to fighting it. The situation looks simple and logical. Many…
15.09.2012 Vitaly Bilan
Mursi’s new regional aspirations At the Organization of Islamic Cooperation summit held in Mecca in mid-August, Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi made a tremendous effort to restore Egypt’s image as the “key” state in the Middle East. He proposed creating a…
03.08.2012 Vitaly Bilan

To achieve its Middle East ambitions, Paris has apparently decided to take full advantage of its chairmanship of the UN Security Council. On July 30, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said that as soon as his country takes the presidency in the UN Security Council on August 1, it intends to call for an emergency ministerial Security Council meeting on the ongoing armed conflict in Syria in order to “try to stop the massacres and prepare a political transition.” It seems that pride of...