17.01.2024 Nikolay Plotnikov

A new year, 2024, in the Middle East has begun with even more massive bombing by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) of the Gaza Strip. The International Confederation of Independent NGO groups Oxfam (secretariat based in Nairobi, Kenya) estimates that 250 Palestinians are being killed per day, far exceeding the daily death toll in other conflicts in recent years. According to the UN, as of 11 January, 23,469 people have been killed by the IDF in Gaza, 59064 wounded, 7,000 missing or buried under the rubble of buildings. Among the dead, 70 per cent are women and children…

17.01.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The New Year always brings with it new hopes for a better life, allows us to evaluate the past year and set up goals for the next year. The modern world is going through a number of crisis processes with particularly acute military hotspots in Europe and the Middle East. Unfortunately, U.S.-led Western powers divide the global North and South in their own way and continue to pursue war, not peace, with their policy of interference in regional processes. As for the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Tel Aviv does not intend to stop its active offensive operations…

15.01.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Reflecting on some of the tragic events that took place in 2023 and on possible ways to prevent them and resolve them at the negotiating table, one cannot help but recall the famous quote from Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the once majestic, but now camped in Europe’s backyard, Great Britain. He was apparently right when he said, “You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing, after they have exhausted all the other possibilities.” The ongoing catastrophic and horrific massacre of Palestinians in Gaza is a prime example. Instead of taking the right position…

15.01.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The military conflict between Hamas and Israel continues to top the international agenda. It is clear that the parties to the conflict have external support. And while in the case of Israel these are extra-regional forces (primarily the US and the countries of the collective West), the struggle of the Palestinian people finds supporters among regional and extra-regional countries. A special place in this list belongs to Iran, which is a principled opponent of the Zionist regime and the US hegemonic policy in the Middle East. Despite persistent Sunni-Shia tensions, Iran has demonstrated…

14.01.2024 Veniamin Popov

The US administration’s de facto backing of Israel’s barbaric bombing of the Gaza Strip is causing international outcry. Notably, some Arab newspapers recently cited a famous quote from former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill: “You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing, after they have exhausted all the other possibilities.” “The US administration has chosen to provide biased and unlimited support to Israel…

06.01.2024 Nikolay Plotnikov

The Israeli media began to release increasingly frequent publications on the actual casualties of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and other security, defense and law enforcement agencies during the clashes in the Gaza Strip. The most sensational publication, causing a massive reaction especially in the Arab world and Iran, was the investigative report of the Israeli journalist Ariel Shimon, fired from Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper after his controversial publication was released. Unfortunately, the author could not find the original of Shimon’s report, even in Hebrew…

30.12.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

The ongoing violent conflict between Hamas and Israel has recorded more than 19,200 Palestinian deaths with 52,200 wounded as of December 18 this year. The Israel Defense Forces continues its offensive ground operation throughout the Gaza Strip (including in the northern, central and southern areas), ensures a continuous advance and does not consider civilian targets (be it a school, hospital or residential neighborhoods). According to media reports, Israel has already dropped about 29,000 bombs on Gaza (about the same number of bombings were carried out by the US and British Air Forces in 2003 in Iraq)…

18.12.2023 Henry Kamens

Is Mother Nature providing biological weapons for use against Palestinians in Gaza? In theory, YES: however, nothing highly deadly (fatal) has evolved in recent years without some human assistance along the way. I suspect the “weaponized strains” of cholera that they have at the Eliava Phage Institute, Tbilisi Georgia, would be almost as effective as a neutron bomb, and even when compared to other weapons, “a biological weapon can be more effective, pound for pound, than the hydrogen bomb”, and when further combined with other ESPs, especially dangerous pathogens…

17.12.2023 Vladimir Mashin

Articles are increasingly appearing in the Arab press that characterize the war in Gaza as a kind of manifestation of the cataclysm of catastrophic capitalism. As the Al Jazeera website noted the other day, America’s war on terror through its proxy Israel can be more accurately described as America’s war against the whole world. “Gaza, as a metaphor, represents the true face of the clash of civilizations…

15.12.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

The humanitarian truce in the Gaza Strip lasted almost a week, from November 24 to December 1, during which time hostages and prisoners were exchanged and Hamas appeared to accept Israel’s offer and released hostages at the rate of an additional 10 captives for each day of peace. However, on December 1, the two sides resumed hostilities, with each accusing each other of violating the ceasefire agreement. The head of Mossad, David Barnea, at the request of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu terminated…

14.12.2023 Alexandr Svaranc

The Palestinian-Israeli continued conflict in the Middle East has presented numerous obstacles to the nations’ ability to develop steadily. Regretfully, war invariably results in a large number of deaths and material destruction, as well as internal displacement and refugee movements, an uneven pace of economic growth, and social unrest. This is true for both direct participants (parties) in the conflict and co-participants (partners) of a party. For obvious reasons, the Israeli army’s savagery against the civilian populace of the Gaza Strip has led to a widespread spike of anti-Israeli…

08.12.2023 Viktor Mikhin

The world’s media have increasingly printed articles about a number of European countries that have begun to speak out more boldly against Israel’s policies and its bloody massacre of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip. The willingness to criticise Israeli policy and its leadership led by Benjamin Netanyahu, notes the Swiss newspaper Blick, seems to be taking root in an increasing number of European countries. In stark contrast to France, Germany and Britain, which, under heavy US pressure, openly supported Israel by repeating its accusations that Hamas is a “terrorist” organisation, other European governments…