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For Now, the Mossad is Outplaying Tehran

The multiple secret operations carried out by the Israeli special services in recent years against Iran are legitimately indicative of the vulnerabilities inherent in the Iranian strategic infrastructure. And, given the many years of confrontation between Israel and Iran in the area of covert operations, this vulnerability is currently taking on a special...

Vladimir Platov

Jerusalem Conflict: Identity Theft On Top Of Everything Else

As many previous colleagues have discovered, writing about Israel is a thankless task best avoided, especially by a self-hating Jew. Before people even read a given article, they have made up their own minds about Israel and cross-checked their views against others they hold to see if they are ideologically sound...

Seth Ferris

Tensions Escalate around Israel due to the Ongoing Dispute over the Golan Heights

The announcement by a US State Department spokesman, prompted by the American Washington Free Beacon information portal, that under the leadership of Joe Biden, the American authorities will be more cautious than under Trump, and shall tackle the issue of land ownership in the Golan Heights, once again stirred up the military-political...

Vladimir Platov