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Israel on the Eve of the Fifth Round of Elections

Israeli interim Prime Minister Yair Lapid, in just 29 words from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly, radically changed the fifth electoral round of elections from the first four electoral cycles of the past two and a half years. From the rostrum of one of the world’s largest international diplomatic forums, he said, “An agreement with the Palestinians...

Viktor Mikhin

Is Vietnamese-Israeli Defense Cooperation Facing Problems?

On July 12, Israel and Vietnam celebrated the 29th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and emphasized in official statements that there is great potential for the further development of economic and diplomatic cooperation that could bring significant benefits to both sides. Vietnam, as you know, is a member...

Vladimir Odintsov

Russia and Israeli Exceptionalism

After years of indiscriminate bombing of Syrian infrastructure by Israel, it was reported, in mid-May 2022 that Russia fired a “warning shot” S-300 missile “near” Israeli planes. These planes were attacking a military facility near Latakia and, as is generally the case, collateral damage, meaning dead civilians, are the norm. In fact, I just received an intelligence report out of Amman, Jordan stating...

Gordon Duff