25.04.2024 Bakhtiar Urusov

Today, everyone is waiting for high-profile events in the Middle East related to the unprecedented confrontation between Israel and Iran. The primary source of the conflict, Gaza, and its offshoots, the Houthis in the Red Sea and the collapse of global shipping, have been pushed into the background. On closer inspection, Iran and Israel have more in common than they do differences. Both are regional outsiders, both are sectarian and ethnic. Both Tel Aviv and Tehran have built their national strategies on the contradictions of their neighbours and on hidden reserves…

20.04.2024 Viktor Mikhin

For the past 14 months, large numbers of Israeli demonstrators have been gathering to demand the removal of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Initially, the protests were aimed at defending the independence of Israel’s judiciary, but after the Hamas attack on 7 October, they began to demand that Netanyahu be held accountable for everything that has happened since that sad day for Israelis. The general consensus in the country is that Netanyahu will be unceremoniously sent into retirement at some point in the coming weeks or months…

17.04.2024 Viktor Mikhin

There are few rivalries in our world as powerful and dangerous as that between Israel and Iran. The recent escalation of tensions between these two regional powers – as evidenced by Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus and Iran’s retaliatory drone and rocket attacks on Israel – has raised serious global concerns. Many around the world noted Iran’s statement that its military action was in response to Israeli aggression against its diplomatic facilities and that “the matter can be considered settled”. It is believed that if the flames of conflict in Gaza are allowed to continue to rage, the negative effects will spread and…

11.04.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Israel is continuing its military operations in the Gaza Strip, where the focus of a devastating war is shifting to the southern town of Rafah, threatening a massive catastrophe for the more than one million Palestinian refugees who have flocked to the borders with Egypt in the hope of humanitarian aid and rescue. Tel Aviv, represented by Prime Minister Netanyahu and the heads of the security services, has repeatedly declared the readiness of the defence forces to launch an operation. Each time, however, Israel has paused and limited itself to targeted military action in this direction.

08.04.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Much remains uncertain about the prolonged Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Gaza Strip, not least how long hostilities will continue and what political mechanisms could help bring about a settlement. Against this backdrop, Turkey, or, rather its President Recep Erdoğan continues to accuse Israel of committing war crimes and other atrocities against the Palestinians…

04.04.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Tasnim News Agency (Iran) reported that some 5,000 US troops have been involved in the ground operation since Israel invaded Gaza, causing death and destruction at every turn. The news agency also reported that the US military command has virtually taken control of the situation in the Israeli army, as the military has suffered a crushing defeat in Operation Al-Aqsa Storm and Israeli leaders have lost confidence in the leadership abilities and loyalty of a number of soldiers…

29.03.2024 Viktor Mikhin

On its website the Israeli think tank The Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security has published an article by Udi Levy entitled “Is the United States really against HAMAS?”, which notes that “the United States’ inability to organize an effective campaign to counter Hamas funding, despite its declared intentions, is a sign of Washington’s loss of financial leverage.” Sanctions, once successfully applied against territorial organizations and individual states are no longer working…

19.03.2024 Viktor Mikhin

The recently completed visit by senior Israeli politician Benny Gantz to Washington and London, and especially its positive outcome, not only attracted world media attention, but may also provide an indication about who may be Israel’s next Prime Minister. This raises the question of just who Benny Gantz is, and why he was honored with an invitation to the two capitals, given that current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has never paid an official visit to Washington, at least…

25.02.2024 Vladimir Mashin

Washington’s outright support for Israeli military action in Gaza outrages the entire world: the casualties and destruction are too great. The vast majority of the world community realises that without US patronage, such actions by Tel Aviv, bordering on genocide, would not have been possible. Continued support for Israel’s security has been a cornerstone of American foreign policy for every U.S. administration since President Harry Truman. Since Israel’s founding in 1948, the United States has provided more than $130 billion in bilateral aid, currently the U.S. provides $3.3 billion…

21.02.2024 Veniamin Popov

Israel’s war against the Palestinians in Gaza has been going on for five months. The majority condemned the actions of the Israeli authorities, as evidenced by the UNGA resolution of December 2023, according to which 153 countries were in favour of a ceasefire, as well as the decision of the International Criminal Court, which in fact considered these actions as genocide. To date, this terrible war has caused the death of 100 thousand people, more than one third of the houses have been destroyed, almost 1.5 million people are on the verge of starvation – all this causes outrage of the world community…

20.02.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The political fate of the leader of any democratic state from the moment of coming to power always remains under the threat of resignation. The latter is naturally connected, of course, with the domestic and foreign policies he pursues, and in some cases with the “dark spots” of his personal biography. Modern Israel, being an organic part of the Middle East, is strikingly different from the political culture of its neighbours in the region. Israel is distinguished from other Middle Eastern states (as well as from the rest of the world) not only by the religion of Judaism practised by Jews…

17.02.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Joe Biden’s emotional embrace with Benjamin Netanyahu on 18 October on the tarmac of Ben-Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv was seen around the world and is still being commented on by the world media. The embrace, which took place 11 days after the shameful failure of Israel and its “famous” Mossad intelligence agency on October 7 in the south, gave the Israelis carte blanche to do whatever they wanted against not only the militant organisation Hamas, but also against peaceful Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip. On that trip, Biden demonstrated his “ironclad” commitment to Israel, despite the crimes…