14.12.2013 Jim Dean

President Obama was all smiles at the Brookings Institute Saban Forum on last Saturday, December 7th, ironically Pearl Harbor day. Haim Saban is a well known Israeli asset who has made great use of his huge wealth to influence American policy through the insider tools available to A-level...

05.12.2013 Jim Dean

Well it is now official. Reuters published their triple whammy poll showing grassroots Americans support Obama's Iran opening on three levels. Two thirds support the interim deal itself...are wary of any military action against Iran, and then what is most interesting, that we...

04.12.2013 Nikolai Bobkin

Not trusting Tehran in its intent to fulfil the agreement concluded in Geneva, Israel has appointed itself as the main fighter for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. Substituting the International Atomic Energy...

25.11.2013 Alexander Efimov
Over centuries of history, the treatment of Jews - a people with its own religion (Judaism and customs; "outsiders" living in exile for two thousand years - has become a specific criterion of respect for human rights in a society where tolerance is one of the main...
21.11.2013 Alexander Efimov

In the variety of articles, diplomatic negotiations, resolutions and fears about chemical weapons in the Middle East, with which the Assad regime "threatens" one and all, the issue of chemical weapons in Israel has remained in the shadows. This topic was the subject of an examination...

10.11.2013 Jim Dean

This is a sad and embarrassing column to have to write, about Israeli espionage penetration into our highest levels of government, our security forces knowing that it has happened but then can't, or refuse to do anything about it. National security interests must trump embarrassment...

07.10.2013 Vladimir Simonov

Reading the reviews and comments on an article about the current tensions between Iran and Israel, which sometimes are on the brink of war or at least Tel Aviv's threats to carry out missile and bomb strikes targeting Iran's nuclear program, one cannot help...

06.10.2013 Jim Dean

“And as far as the Jews controlling America is concerned, look at it this way. If it isn't true, you have nothing to worry about. If it is true, you'd better be very nice to us." – Aaron Breitbart, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Los Angeles, My, my...what a difference one phone call can make...

27.09.2013 Jim Dean

“I won’t allow the Israeli delegation to be part of a cynical public relations charade by a regime that denies the Holocaust and calls for our destruction.”... Bibi Netanyahu, militant Zionist  Militant Zionists were pulling out all the stops and betting the Israeli farm on guilt tripping...

03.01.2013 Vitaly Bilan
The “Russians” are coming The issue of “Russian” Israelis has reemerged in the Israeli media as the early parliamentary elections scheduled for January 22 approach and Likud allies itself with the Russian party, Israel Our Home  More oil was poured…
26.10.2012 Vitaly Bilan
Knesset dissolved On the evening of October 16, after convening for its winter session, the 18th, Israel’s Knesset finally voted to disband, something long awaited by many of the country’s political forces. Significantly, all 100 members who participated in the…