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HRW: Human Rights Watch or Hypocrites Representing Washington (Part 1)

Unlike previous centuries and epochs, modern warfare is not restricted solely to the battlefield. Rather, it extends into the information sphere where the dissemination of propaganda and the construction of narratives are of equal importance...

Eric Draitser

MH17: Another Israeli Cover Up?

The latest disaster, one that has scrubbed Israel’s bizarre onslaught into Gaza off newspaper front pages, 298 dead, can be nothing but more than yet another cover up operation. Every news asset, every politico known to be a creature of the Israeli/organized...
Gordon Duff

Rising Hatred for Israeli Crimes: Why John Kerry Spoke of an “Apartheid State”

A recently leaked audio recording of US secretary of state John Kerry reveals him saying that “Israel could become an apartheid state.” For anyone familiar with global politics or the ongoing crimes of Israel, his statement sounds quite...

Caleb Maupin