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The ROI of Crisis Building in the Middle East: More Soros Hedging

George Soros’ supposed philanthropy is actually a functional instrument of investing. Nowhere is this more clearly seen than in the hedge fund billionaire’s Middle East effort. As one researcher mildly put it, “Soros-funded...

Phil Butler

Who is Israel's Biggest Enemy?

The answer is really simple: its government and their foreign sponsors. The ongoing conflict consuming the Middle East is the result of Western hegemonic designs aimed at reordering the region and beyond, into a geopolitical structure more suitable for its own interests. In accomplishing...

Tony Cartalucci

Putin Plays Energy Chess with Netanyahu

On April 21 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew to Moscow for closed door talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The media reported that the talks were over the situation in Syria, a theme where Moscow...

F. William Engdahl